Java process memory management diagrams

There are a lot of articles and diagrams on this topic on the Internet, however, in my opinion, none of them allows you to form a general idea of ​​the memory use in the Java process. And without a general understanding, it is difficult to find solutions to specific memory problems in complex systems. As a result, I decided to post my diagrams.

Simplified diagram of Java memory usage of a process:

Simplified diagram of Java memory usage of a process
Simplified diagram of Java memory usage of a process

Detailed diagram of the Java memory usage of a process by some parameters:

Detailed diagram of Java memory usage of a process by some parameters
JVM Copy Paste






















-n jvmJavaOSStackSize
















-n jvmNativeStackSize 


-XX:NativeMemoryTracking=off | summary | detail  















Java Flight Recorder


JDK Mission Control



These diagrams are not intended to provide complete knowledge, but they can be a starting point in exploring the topic deeper, filling knowledge gaps, tuning the JVM and finding the problem in the current system.

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