How is the PHP community doing in Dagestan?


There are a lot of news stories because of which people know about Dagestan, but few of them are related to programming. This is what our and other Dagestani IT communities want to change.

In general, Dagestan is a rather IT region, but the center of the entire movement is the capital Makhachkala. There are many robotics clubs for children, courses for beginner programmers. The only problem is that it is not heavily advertised.

The first steps towards meetups were started by the DevSeagulls community back in 2016, and they also have the largest IT chat in Dagestan. The authors of this community are Ismail Magomedov, Said Amirov, Elvira Temirkhanova.

And already in September 2020, we founded the PHP community and called it extremely simply “PHP Dagestan”. We recruited a small number of people, began to discuss development paths, chat rules, etc. We gathered the first twenty participants pretty quickly for the regional community and already began to think that it was time for us to launch symposia (This is what we call meetups. Why? Because we can!).

We held our first symposium on January 9th, it was a closed event purely for our chat, the premises were provided to us free of charge by it company CRON.

3 speakers spoke with the following topics:

  1. PHP Security ( @ r0hack Ramazan aka r0hack - DeteAct)
  2. Working with queues ( @LordGidra Magomedov Gazimagomed -
  3. Streams in PHP ( @IsrapilAkhmedov Israpil Akhmedov)


The second symposium was held on February 27 on a larger scale, we rented a room, ordered pizzas, there was professional filming, about 30-40 people came. In all this we were helped by the company 05 ru

4 speakers spoke with the following topics:

  1. What is CI / CD and how do I set it up? ( @ fedor2dostoevsky Kanamatov Mukhtar - Pay-GO)
  2. Benefits of using docker in development and combat? ( @LordGidra Magomedov Gazimagomed -
  3. How to assemble a team that won't break up? (Kristina Aliyeva - Shield-Kveshn)
  4. Safe Development ( @ r0hack Ramazan aka r0hack - DeteAct)

So the time has come for the third symposium, which will take place on May 18th. This time, for the first time, the speaker will be a guest from another city. We expect to recruit more than 50 people and make everything even better than it was before.

There will be 3 speakers with the following topics:

  1. Preloading and annotations in PHP ( @ develop007 Klychev Damir - Cron)
  2. Why php-schnik should take a closer look at Camunda to automate complex business processes? ( @sboychenko Sergey Boychenko - Skyeng)
  3. Database sharding. What it is? ( @sagidM Sagid Magomedov - Yandex)

We will also have a broadcast on youtube:

If you are interested in the topic of IT in Dagestan, then you can connect to any of these links:

PHP Dagestan - telegram chat for PHP developers

Or maybe in PHP? - telegram channel for PHP developers

IT event Dagestan - telegram channel about IT events

DevSeagulls - general telegram chat about IT

Dev Seagulls Fem - instagram page of the female Dagestan IT community

Mountain design - telegram chat for designers

Work for a designer - telegrams -channel

Digital Vacancies - telegram channel with vacancies for smm

Work in IT- telegram channel with it vacancies

Light memes in English - my telegram channel with light memes in English for language learning

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