Weekly gamedev: # 16 - May 2, 2021

From this week's news :

  • Microsoft Cuts Developer Fee From 30 Percent To 12 On Windows Store
  • According to a GDC survey, only 3% of developers consider the 30% commission for digital stores justifiable.
  • Quixel Mixer 2021 Released
  • New example of Hybrid Shadows, new in RGP, and other FidelityFX updates
  • Ultra App Kit for GUI Writing Released
  • Google launches Open Saves, an open source cloud storage solution for game developers
  • Maya UV Kit 2.0 Released
  • Raylib 3.7 released
  • AWS Launches Amazon Nimble Studio for VFX and Animation
  • Hotspot texturing function added to UModeler
  • Epic Games Acquires ArtStation and Reduces Commission
  • Blender Relax Node Brush


  • Rendering large 3D tilemaps in one draw call with 3000 fps
  • 3-minute video featuring the best new work of 2021, created in Cinema 4D, Redshift and Red Giant tools
  • Newton's Pendulum: Modeling and Animation

Updates / releases / news

Microsoft cuts developer fees from 30 percent to 12 percent

The changes will take effect on August 1 . So far, only on PC.

According to a GDC survey, only 3% of developers consider the 30% commission for digital stores justifiable.

The survey also showed that the PC is the most popular platform among game creators in general, and among the PS5 consoles.

Quixel Mixer 2021 Released


Hybrid Shadows, RGP, FidelityFX

​RDNA ambient occlusion SSAO, SSAO .

Ultra App Kit GUI

Leadwerks SDK C++ . SDK Dear ImGui, , UAK WPF, Qt WinForms.

, . OpenGL.

Google Open Saves —

-. .

2K , DLC. .

UV Kit 2.0 Maya

. — .

Raylib 3.7

4 , , Google Open Source Peer Bonus Award. 3.7 — rlgl .

AWS Amazon Nimble Studio VFX

, , VFX , .

Nvidia, - AWS Thinkbox Deadline.

UModeler Hotspot texturing

UV- UModeler. UV , UV .

Epic Games ArtStation

ArtStation Marketplace 30% 12%. Pro- 20% 8%, — 20% 5%.

Relax Blender

. : Shift + R.


draw call 3000

Unity . .

The final solution is a custom custom renderer that stores layers as voxels containing indices in slices of the texture array.

3-minute video featuring the best new work of 2021, created in Cinema 4D, Redshift and Red Giant tools

Newton's Pendulum: Modeling and Animation

All this using SDF in shader toy.

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