With just one mouse

Hello everyone, my name is Vyacheslav and I am a programmer, but specifically now I am engaged in game development on GodotEngine, and at the same time I run my telegram channel in which I write notes on creating my game on this engine and give newbies material for studying Godot.

Now let's get down to business, why would we make a simple inventory with Drag & Drop and a bonus from me?

Let's start. I am not a designer, so there will be a functional version, do it yourself later.

First, we will create a project and add the nodes necessary for work in the minimum version: 

We throw the PanelContainer into the control, stretch it through the Layout button (View) over the entire control and immediately throw flags on the expansion in height and width:

We throw a GridContainer (grid) into it with a child, we will already throw our elements into it, and for the convenience of debugging we will add a button to β€œpick up” the item, it will generate a random element with a random number.

We will have 8 columns in the inventory and 4 lines, for the necessary variety I have prepared item icons.

Download the font from Google and drop it into the control so that we can change the font size:

Next, let's style it a little so that it looks more like an inventory, create one slot, and save it to a separate file, since we will dynamically create slots:

Next, we throw the following script into the main scene:

extends Control

export (int, 1, 20) var columns = 8
export (int, 1, 20) var rows = 4
onready var inv = $InvContainer/InvContent
const slot_scene = preload("res://Slot.tscn")
func _ready():
 inv.columns = columns
 for i in range(columns*rows):
  var slot = slot_scene.instance()


An intermediate option is something like this:

, , , TextureRect Label - :

, , , , :


Slot , :

extends PanelContainer

onready var item = $Item
onready var icon = $Item/Icon
onready var count = $Item/Count

var item_type = null
var item_count = 0

func _ready():
 update_data({"type": "item_type_1", "count": 0})

func update_data(data = null):
 item.visible = data != null
 if data:
  icon.texture = load("res://graphics/%s.png" % data.type) #  
  count.text = str(data.count)





extends Control

export (int, 1, 20) var columns = 8
export (int, 1, 20) var rows = 4

onready var inv = $InvContainer/InvContent

const slot_scene = preload("res://Slot.tscn")

func _ready():
 $InvContainer/HBoxContainer/Clear.connect("pressed", self, "clear_inventory")
 inv.columns = columns
 for i in range(columns*rows):
  var slot = slot_scene.instance()
func clear_inventory():
 for child in inv.get_children(): #   
  child.update_data() #   


, .



extends PanelContainer

onready var item = $Item
onready var icon = $Item/Icon
onready var count = $Item/Count

var item_data = null

func _ready():

func empty():
 return item_data == null

func update_data(data = null):
 item.visible = data != null
 item_data = data
 if item:
  icon.texture = load("res://graphics/%s.png" % item_data.type) #  
  count.text = str(item_data.count)
 return true



 func has_empty_slot(): #       
 for child in inv.get_children(): #   
  if child.empty():
   return true
 return false

func get_empty_slot(): #    
 var slot = null
 if has_empty_slot(): 
  #  ,      
  while slot == null: #   ,   
   var temp_slot = inv.get_child(rng.randi_range(0, columns*rows-1))
   if temp_slot.empty():
    slot = temp_slot
 return slot

func add_item(): #   ,    
 var slot = get_empty_slot()
 if slot:
  var data = {"type":"", "count": 0}
  data.type = "item_type_" + str(rng.randi_range(1, 8))
  data.count = rng.randi_range(1, 999)


β€œadd_item”, .


, , .. .


, , .

extends PanelContainer

onready var icon = $Icon
onready var count = $Count

const path_to_items_icons = "res://graphics/%s.png"

func set_data(item_data):
 icon.texture = load(path_to_items_icons % item_data.type) #  
 count.text = str(item_data.count)



, β€œNum”, , , . , :

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, , , :

extends Control

export (int, 1, 20) var columns = 8 #-  
export (int, 1, 20) var rows = 4 #-  

const slot_scene = preload("res://Slot.tscn") #    

onready var inv = $InvContainer/InvContent # 
onready var titem = $TempItem #     ,     
onready var rng = RandomNumberGenerator.new() #   
onready var item_dragging = null #    
onready var prev_slot = null #     

func ready():
 titem.visible = false #  
 rng.randomize() # 
 $InvContainer/HBoxContainer/Clear.connect("pressed", self, "clear_inventory")
 $InvContainer/HBoxContainer/Add.connect("pressed", self, "add_item")
 inv.columns = columns # -  
 for i in range(columns*rows): #  
  var slot = slot_scene.instance() #  
  slot.name = "Slot%d" % i #  ,     ,    
  slot.get_node("Num").text = str(i) #     ,     
  inv.add_child(slot) #   

func clear_inventory(): #  
 for child in inv.get_children(): #   
  child.update_data() #   

func has_empty_slot(): #       
 for child in inv.get_children(): #   
  if child.empty():
   return true
 return false

func get_empty_slot(): #    
 var slot = null
 if has_empty_slot(): 
  #  ,      
  while slot == null: #   ,   
   var temp_slot = inv.get_child(rng.randi_range(0, columns*rows-1))
   if temp_slot.empty():
    slot = temp_slot
 return slot

func add_item(): #   ,    
 var slot = get_empty_slot()
 if slot:
  var data = {"type":"", "count": 0}
  data.type = "item_type_" + str(rng.randi_range(1, 8))
  data.count = rng.randi_range(1, 999)
func find_slot(pos:Vector2, need_data = false): #    
 #  - ,           
 for c in inv.get_children(): #   
  if (need_data and not c.empty()) or (not need_data):
   if Rect2(c.rect_position, c.rect_size).has_point(pos):
    #       ,  
    return c
 return null

func _process(delta):
 var mouse_pos = get_viewport().get_mouse_position() #  

 if Input.get_mouse_button_mask() == BUTTON_LEFT: #     
  if not item_dragging: #     
   var slot = find_slot(mouse_pos, true)#     
   if slot: #  
    item_dragging = slot.item_data #    
    titem.set_data(item_dragging) #    
    titem.visible = true #  
    titem.rect_position = slot.rect_position #     
    prev_slot = slot #      
    slot.update_data() #    
  else: #    ,      ,      (     )
   titem.rect_position = lerp(titem.rect_position, mouse_pos - titem.rect_size/2, 0.3)
 else: #  
  if item_dragging: #      
   var slot = find_slot(mouse_pos, false) #   
   if slot: #  ,      
    if not slot.update_data(item_dragging): #  ,    
prev_slot = null #    
item_dragging = null #  
titem.visible = false #  


, :

? , )

func check_data(data):
 return "all" in available_types or data.type in available_types

func update_data(data = null):
 item.visible = data != null
 item_data = data
 if item_data:
  if check_data(data):
   return true
  return false
 return true


, _process:

func _process(delta):
 var mouse_pos = get_viewport().get_mouse_position() #  
 if Input.get_mouse_button_mask() == BUTTON_LEFT: #     
  if not item_dragging: #     
   var slot = find_slot(mouse_pos, true)#     
   if slot: #  
    item_dragging = slot.item_data #    
    titem.set_data(item_dragging) #    
    titem.visible = true #  
    titem.rect_position = slot.rect_position #     
    prev_slot = slot #      
    slot.update_data() #    
  else: #    ,      ,      (     )
   titem.rect_position = lerp(titem.rect_position, mouse_pos - titem.rect_size/2, 0.3)
 else: #  
  if item_dragging: #      
   var slot = find_slot(mouse_pos) #   
# β„–1
#if slot: #  ,      
#if slot.empty(): #   
#if slot.check_data(item_dragging): #    ,   
#else: # ,    
#else: #   ,       ,    
#if slot.check_data(item_dragging) and prev_slot.check_data(slot.item_data):
#else: # ,   

# β„–2
   if slot: #  
    if slot.check_data(item_dragging): #       ,       
     if slot.empty(): #   
     else: #   ,         
      if prev_slot.check_data(slot.item_data): # ,  
prev_slot = null #    
item_dragging = null #  
titem.visible = false #  


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extends PanelContainer

signal dropped(data)

export (Array) var available_types = ["all"#        

enum Actions {NONE, TRASH} #    

var cur_act = Actions.NONE #      

onready var item = $Item

var item_data = null #     

func _ready():

func set_action(new_value):
 cur_act = new_value
 $Item.visible = false
 $Trash.visible = false
 match cur_act:
   $Item.visible = true
   $Trash.visible = true
func empty():
 return item_data == null

func check_data(data):
 if cur_act:
  return true
 return "all" in available_types or data.type in available_types

func update_data(data = null):
 if data and cur_act:
  emit_signal("dropped", data)
  return true
 item.visible = data != null
 item_data = data
 if item_data:
  if check_data(data):
   return true
  return false
 return true



func ready():
 titem.visible = false #  
 rng.randomize() # 
 $InvContainer/HBoxContainer/Clear.connect("pressed", self, "clear_inventory")
 $InvContainer/HBoxContainer/Add.connect("pressed", self, "add_item")
 inv.columns = columns # -  
 for i in range(columns*rows): #  
  var slot = slot_scene.instance() #  
  slot.name = "Slot%d" % i #  ,     ,    
  slot.get_node("Num").text = str(i) #     ,       ,      
  if i == columns*rows-1:
   slot.connect("dropped", self, "trash_dropped")
  inv.add_child(slot) #   
func trash_dropped(data):
 print("dropped ", data)


_ready, , .

, .


Helmet , , .


extends PanelContainer

signal dropped(path, data) #    
signal accepted(path, data) #    

export (Array) var available_types = ["all"#        

enum Actions {NONE, TRASH} #    

var cur_act = Actions.NONE #      

onready var item = $Item

var item_data = null #     

func _ready():
func set_action(new_value = Actions.NONE):
 cur_act = new_value
 $Item.visible = false
 $Trash.visible = false
 $Num.visible = false
 match cur_act:
   $Item.visible = true
	 $Num.visible = true
   $Trash.visible = true
func empty():
 return item_data == null

func check_data(data):
 if cur_act:
  return true
 return "all" in available_types or data.type in available_types

func update_data(data = null):
 if data and cur_act:
  emit_signal("dropped", get_path(), data)
  return true
 item.visible = data != null
 item_data = data
 if item_data:
  if check_data(data):
   emit_signal("accepted", get_path(), data)
   return true
  return false
 return true


, :

extends Control

export (int, 1, 20) var columns = 8 #-  
export (int, 1, 20) var rows = 4 #-  

export (Array, NodePath) var slots_containers #      

onready var slots = [] # 

const slot_scene = preload("res://scenes/Slot.tscn") #    

onready var inv = $PlayerInv/Inv/InvContent # 
onready var titem = $TempItem #     ,     
onready var clearButton = $PlayerInv/Inv/Button/Clear
onready var addButton = $PlayerInv/Inv/Button/Add
onready var rng = RandomNumberGenerator.new() #   
onready var item_dragging = null #    
onready var prev_slot = null #     

func ready():
 titem.visible = false #  
 rng.randomize() # 
 clearButton.connect("pressed", self, "clear_inventory")
 addButton.connect("pressed", self, "add_item")
 inv.columns = columns # -  
 for i in range(columns*rows): #  
  var slot = slot_scene.instance() #  
  slot.name = "Slot%d" % i #  ,     ,    
  slot.get_node("Num").text = str(i) #     ,       ,      
  inv.add_child(slot) #   
  if i == columns*rows-1:
 for slots_node in slots_containers: #              
  for slot in get_node(slots_node).get_children():
 for slot in slots:
  slot.connect("accepted", self, "slot_accepted")
  slot.connect("dropped", self, "trash_dropped")
func slot_accepted(path, data):
 print("accepted ", path, " ", data)

func trash_dropped(path, data):
 print("dropped ", path, " ", data)

func clear_inventory(): #  
 for child in slots: #    
  child.update_data() #   
func has_empty_slot(): #       
 for child in slots: #    
  if child.empty() and child.cur_act != child.Actions.TRASH:
   return true
 return false

func get_empty_slot(): #    
 var rand_slot = null
 if has_empty_slot(): 
  var empty_slots = [] #  
  for slot in slots: #          
   if slot.empty() and slot.cur_act != slot.Actions.TRASH:
  rand_slot = empty_slots[(rng.randi_range(0, empty_slots.size()-1))] #    
 return rand_slot

func add_item(): #   ,    
 var slot = get_empty_slot()
 if slot:
  var data = {"type":"", "count": 0}
  data.type = "item_type_" + str(rng.randi_range(1, 8))
  data.count = rng.randi_range(1, 999)
func find_slot(pos:Vector2, need_data = false): #    
 #  - ,           
 for c in slots: #   
  if (need_data and not c.empty()) or (not need_data):
   if c.get_global_rect().has_point(pos):
    #       ,  
    return c
 return null

func _process(delta):
 var mouse_pos = get_viewport().get_mouse_position() #  
 if Input.get_mouse_button_mask() == BUTTON_LEFT: #     
  if not item_dragging: #     
   var slot = find_slot(mouse_pos, true)#     
   if slot: #  
    item_dragging = slot.item_data #    
    titem.set_data(item_dragging) #    
    titem.visible = true #  
    titem.rect_position = slot.get_global_rect().position #     
    prev_slot = slot #      
    slot.update_data() #    
  else: #    ,      ,      (     )
   titem.rect_position = lerp(titem.rect_position, mouse_pos - titem.rect_size/2, 0.3)
 else: #  
  if item_dragging: #      
   var slot = find_slot(mouse_pos) #   
   if slot: #  
    if slot.check_data(item_dragging): #       ,       
     if slot.empty(): #   
     else: #   ,         
      if prev_slot.check_data(slot.item_data): # ,  
prev_slot = null #    
item_dragging = null #  


In fact, there is still something to improve here, it would be possible to abandon the array of slots and do everything through the built-in tool in Godot, but more on that in one of the next articles.

Full listing in my github repository

UPD: Corrected the function get_empty_slot

in the last listing to remove the possibility of getting into an infinite loop. the gita is also updated.

Also in my telegram channel you can read the previous articles, and be the first to read the following - https://t.me/holydevlog

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