Chernobyl part 2. Chernobyl Territory. Pripyat

Author: Alexander Starostin

We continue to display the scenery for the accident. This time, two words about the area that has been affected by the accident. I beg your pardon for being superficial, but you can still talk about Polesie endlessly. Here we will focus on a small (relatively) piece of a region that had a long history that 1966 changed (and, no, this is not a typo).

Let us touch on the history and conditions of the construction of blocks of the nuclear power plant and the city at it.

The text was written as part of my cycle about the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Part 1

What beautiful places are there!

Sergey Mirny. β€œLiving force. Liquidator's diary "

Before Chernobyl

Along the entire length of the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, from Poland to Russia, there is a very specific and interesting Polesie region. It has a long history. It is believed that along the Pripyat River about 3.5 thousand years ago, the northern border of the East Shinetsk archaeological culture passed, which, as scientists assume, became the source of the Proto-Slavic ethnos. The first mention of the fact that people live in this region is in Herodotus, who calls them "Nevras". Later, the area was often mentioned in various chronicles and witnessed the formation of Russia. The ethnic composition here was also motley, since the region was inhabited by the tribes of Drevlyans, Polyans and Dregovichi.

Well for a general presentation
Well for a general presentation
And another option
And another option

XII . 1127 . , 1193 , ( ) . XIII , , , . , , XV , . , .

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Rosalia Lubomirskaya-Khodkevich aka Chernobyl.  For an amateur.
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XVIII , (1793 ), – , . . , ( 10800 7200 1898 ), , 1920 . . - - , , .

Menachem Nakhum Tversky, founder of the Chernobyl Hasidic dynasty.  It is believed that it was the Tverskys, natives of Chernobyl, who until the revolution occupied a dominant position among Ukrainian Jewry.
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Sawmill in the village of Vilcha.  It is 50 km away from the nuclear power plant, now it is settled.
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Pripyat, Builders Avenue.  Before the accident, they did not have time to finish.
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And this is the construction of the 1st and 2nd microdistricts of the city, Lenin Avenue
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The information was collected from a pine forest, some of the sources are indicated inside the article, some of them will not be restored due to the prescription of the text preparation, but special thanks to these guys for the pictures of Pripyat: .

In the next part (the day after tomorrow), we will go over the terms necessary in the future, and also remember what an iodine pit or xenon poisoning of a reactor means. Well, to a heap in a nutshell about the program of the fatal experiment.  

Author: Alexander Starostin


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