Agile or PMBok for electronics development, which is better and is there a single solution?

This post reflects solely the opinion of the author and was written in one breath, so we may contain various errors, inaccuracies and inconsistencies. Healthy criticism, feedback is very welcome.

In the 7th version of PMBok, there has been a shift from sequential to flexible processes and some borrowing of the principles of Agile

Fig.  1. Changes in the 7th version of PMBoK (source -
Fig. 1. Changes in the 7th version of PMBoK (source -
Fig.  2. Agile manifest (source -
Fig. 2. Agile manifest (source -

, , 6 PMBoK guide Agile. ,  PMBoK , Scrum.

, PMBoK. , . ?

, , , () .. , hardware – , . , . . , . : PCI Express USB, PCIe . .

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Scrum , (product backlog). , , :

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  • 4 . . , . – . High Tech 20-25 . 1 . 5 , . 5 . , 5 , 1-4 .

– , Scrum.

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( ..) – . ? 1-2 . , ( GPIO expander). . , .

The next step is to build an mvp (minimum viable product), or a minimum functional commercial product. After this stage, you can already proceed to the optimization and DFM step. If there is such a request, along with certification, the launch of mvp into production and further support, we add functional blocks and create new revisions or product SKUs.

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