Facebook Prophet + Deep Learning = NeuralProphet

Improving an interpreted Prophet model with deep learning

Hello, Khabrovites. As part of the recruitment of students for the online course " Machine Learning. Advanced ", we prepared a translation of the material.

We invite everyone to participate in the open demo lesson "Clustering Time Series" : an interesting task that can be tied to time series.

β€’ Is it possible to find financial assets similar to each other in dynamics on the stock exchange?

β€’ How to group users according to their behavior?

β€’ Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

We will get answers to some of these questions in an online lesson. Join us!

, Prophet, Facebook. , , , , (, ) . , .

, , β€” NeuralProphet. , Prophet , . , , , Prophet.

, NeuralProphet

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, NeuralProphet

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β€” , . , ( ), , . X, . , , , .

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Prophet . , , β€” ​​ . β€” β€” , . Prophet , :

  • Prophet β€” ..

  • β€” ,

β€” . , , . , ( ) . , , .. , . . , :

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, Prophet , , . NeuralProphet

β€” Prophet, (PyTorch Stan) (AR-Net), . AR-Net , , , , .

NeuralProphet Prophet

, NeuralProphet

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  • NeuralProphet


  • .

  • .

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, , -. , , Prophet , , .

, NeuralProphet

β€” , pip install.

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, Python.

import pandas as pd
from fbprophet import Prophet
from neuralprophet import NeuralProphet
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

# plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# settings
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (16, 8)

neural_prophet_1.py hosted with ❀ by GitHub

Peyton Manning ( ). , , , , Prophet. β€”   .

Facebook, , Prophet, Prophet, NeuralProphet


, :

# loading the dataset
df = pd.read_csv('../neural_prophet/example_data/wp_log_peyton_manning.csv')
print(f'The dataset contains {len(df)} observations.')

neural_prophet_2.py hosted with ❀ by GitHub

, Prophet, : ds

β€” /, y

β€” , . , , .

, . , , . , , .

df.plot(x='ds', y='y', title='Log daily page views');

# getting the train/test split
test_length = 365
df_train = df.iloc[:-test_length]
df_test = df.iloc[-test_length:]

neural_prophet_3.py hosted with ❀ by GitHub


, Prophet . 4 . . , . , . , Β«future dataframeΒ». , . . , ( ). , preds_df_1


prophet_model = Prophet()
future_df = prophet_model.make_future_dataframe(periods=test_length)
preds_df_1 = prophet_model.predict(future_df)

neural_prophet_4.py hosted with ❀ by GitHub

, ( ).

, . .

. .




, API NeuralProphet

Prophet. , , , NeuralProphet


nprophet_model = NeuralProphet()
metrics = nprophet_model.fit(df_train, freq="D")
future_df = nprophet_model.make_future_dataframe(df_train, 
                                                 periods = test_length, 
preds_df_2 = nprophet_model.predict(future_df)

neural_prophet_5.py hosted with ❀ by GitHub

, . ( Prophet ) , Β«future dataframeΒ». , .

, , .


. ( , preds_df_2

, preds_df_1

, , , !), .

nprophet_model.plot_components(preds_df_2, residuals=True);

, .


, , plot_components ( ).

, . DataFrame

, (MSE).

# prepping the DataFrame
df_test['prophet'] = preds_df_1.iloc[-test_length:].loc[:, 'yhat']
df_test['neural_prophet'] = preds_df_2.iloc[-test_length:].loc[:, 'yhat1']
df_test.set_index('ds', inplace=True)

print('MSE comparison ----')
print(f"Prophet:\t{mean_squared_error(df_test['y'], preds_df_1.iloc[-test_length:]['yhat']):.4f}")
print(f"NeuralProphet:\t{mean_squared_error(df_test['y'], preds_df_2.iloc[-test_length:]['yhat1']):.4f}")

df_test.plot(title='Forecast evaluation');

neural_prophet_6.py hosted with ❀ by GitHub


, , MSE β€” NeuralProphet


, , . , , , , , , . . . .


β€” ( -), . , . Prophet, , , , .

Prophet NeuralProphet

, , , . , !

, , GitHub. , . .


  • Neural Prophet

  • Facebook Prophet

  • AR-Net

"Machine Learning. Advanced"

Β« Β»

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