Digest of interesting materials for a mobile developer # 392 (April 26 - May 2)

We are leaving for a long weekend with a new selection of interesting articles and news. It has libraries and the fight against Apple, VKontakte cards and code quality, Flutter and Kotlin, the ability to complete projects, understand the customer's journey, and much more!

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And every day we send news in the Telegram channel .


  Switching your application to Swift package modules

  Dreamed of becoming a scriptwriter, but became a programmer

Search tips appeared in the App Store

10 SwiftUI libraries 2021

Apple M2 production started

Apple releases iOS 14.5 update

German companies are filing an antitrust lawsuit against Apple, for iOS 14.5

FAS fined Apple $ 12 million in the claim of Kaspersky Lab

Getting started with Combine (practical examples of the Combine framework in UIKit and SwiftUI)

Guide to multithreading - Grand Central Dispatch

Gradient in Swift for 4 lines of code

SwiftUI in production

What is Closures and how do they work in Swift? (Walkthrough)

Custom View Controller Transitions in Swift

Introduction to Codable in Swift

Swift: How to Write a Complete Logger

Skeleton project for scalable iOS development

SwiftUI: how to create a cell with a swipe

Custom Top Tab

Simple form validation with RxSwift

Getting started with Firebase Realtime DB on WatchOS


Android backlit onboarding

  How the friend request cards screen is implemented and recommendations in the VKontakte application

  How we integrated Huawei Mobile Services in two stages

Google Play strengthens the fight against misleads

Improving Layout Preview in Android Studio

How to improve code quality

Android Studio started supporting M1

Published I / O 2021 schedule

Google Play will collect data on application usage to speed up launch

“Kotlin for Beginners” course

Custom form using Jetpack Compose

Lessons learned from porting my application to Jetpack Compose

Room Automation

Android Studio Test - Computers Benchmark

Don't run benchmarks in a debugged Android app

One AlertDialog to rule them all

Jetpack Compose: An easy way to make a RecyclerView

Dynamic delivery with Jetpack Compose

• The evolution of Quality Assurance for apps in Azimo

Beautiful splash screen for Android with animation

WebRTC example in Kotlin

How to handle configuration changes in Android

Android RecyclerView Swipe Gestures: gestures in RecyclerView

Android ScreenshotDetection: defining screenshots

Linkester: testing deep links in the application


  Five more tools against cheaters on a mobile project with a DAU of 1 million users

  My history of the implementation of the Habra offline application

  Ethical anti-design: how to develop an addictive product

  The history of SDK development for accepting payments in mobile application on Flutter

  A little about charts, splines and terrain generation

  Testing push notifications in mobile applications

Solving positioning problems when viewing a map in Flutter

  Unstable (Flaky) tests - one of the main problems of automated testing

  In-depth analysis of testing widgets in Flutter. Part I: testWidgets () and TestVariant

  Beginner QA: useful sniffing functions using Charles Proxy as an example

Podlodka # 213: Investing in startups

Microsoft Build 2021 will be held from May 25 to 27

How to finish games (and other projects)

Book “Creation Mobile Applications at Scale: 39 Engineering Challenges ”

Application Design: Examples for Inspiration # 41

Good design is a science, not an art

Case: how Surf and Rosbank made the first banking application in Russia on Flutter

How the Nobel laureate helped us design an application for I Love Supersport

5 best tools for creating applications without code

How great grocery managers make the right decisions: the familiar approach

How to safely open source software: best practices

5 benefits of pair programming and how to do it remotely using VS Code

How to save 135,000 euros annually with Google Analytics 4 + BigQuery

Local notifications in Flutter

10 fun VS Code extensions to help you program

Best practices for modal window design

Want to be the best UX designer in 2021? Do for Emotion

Best Practices: Autocomplete Design

Why Good Engineers Don't Start Their Own Business

Senior Engineer Facebook Interview: The Only Article You Need To Read

Code Quality Metrics

Analytics, Marketing & Monetization

Understanding the customer journey through the application using Firebase and BigQuery events

Mobvista buys Reyun

Mobile marketers: Roman Khurtov (Parimatch Russia)

Neverland helps with gardening

Oath Care: forum for moms on a subscription

AI, Devices, IoT

  S in IoT abbreviation means "Security", or How I hacked a lamp

  Yoga through the eyes of a data scientist: how we built computer vision in a mobile application

  What the builders of Smart Homes, Baths, Summer Cottages and Garages argue about

Amazon puts DeepRacer software in open source

Top 10 Data Science Projects for Beginners

Previous Digest . If you have other interesting materials or you have found a mistake, please send it to the mail .

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