"Tell me your address and I will tell you the name of your neighbor", or how cheap and fast to check any property

All you need is a confirmed account on Public Services and a small information fee

From time to time, the media are shaken by scandals related to the fact that houses, apartments, land plots and other real estate are found from this or that civil servant. They are replaced by other scandals about the fact that the name of an official is encrypted in state registers.

How do you manage to find out the owners of real estate? Can anyone really find out who owns a particular site, house or apartment?

Yes, data on real estate owners is open to everyone. In this post, you will learn how to get data about the current and previous owner, pledges, arrests on any real estate object in Russia, whether it be neighboring apartments on the staircase or a land plot in Kamchatka.

All you need to do this is a verified public service account . With the help of it we go to the official website of Rosreestr .

How much does it cost?

The official fee of Rosreestr is from 1 to 5 rubles per extract. Access to extracts is paid according to the UIN on the Rosreestr website in packages of 100 pcs. up to 500,000 pcs.

How to find out the owner of the property?

On the Rosreestr website, go to the section request to the FGIS USRN

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If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments and send them by mail to p_slizky@mail.ru

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