Ultra Famicom or 64-bit that shook the world

Of the three 64-bit systems of the fifth generation (Atari Jaguar, Nintendo 64, Panasonic M2), only Nintendo 64 turned out to be not only viable, but also commercially successful. And the reason for this was not so much the latent power of the console, but the global promotion of its brand under a single name. Thus, eliminating the discrepancy between Ultra 64 and Nintendo 64, Nintendo has forever put an end to the uncertainty with the name, moving to a single design layout and standardization of visual solutions.

But the real reasons for the rebranding were much deeper and more interesting. How much? Let's figure it out together.

This name, as opposed to Ultra 64, was planned to be used in the Japanese region.
This name, as opposed to Ultra 64, was planned to be used in the Japanese region.

For a long time, the marketing of console holders has been based on black PR, hype and empty bravado, sometimes misleading gamers. In the fifth generation, SEGA, ATARI and The 3DO company became the absolute record holders of such manipulations of gaming consciousness. But to successfully dominate the market, these three players lacked a "secret ingredient" that could not only trample the technological frontiers of a generation, but also become the basis of the upcoming nextgen. This circumstance, multiplied by the limited funding of current projects and the vague strategy of this troika, led to an inevitable shortage of competitive products. A powerful but expensive 3DO, a deranged Jaguar and a series of extensions for the Mega Drive / Genesis are clear evidence of this. Do I need to explainthat a similar situation was successfully exploited by the champion of patents and gaming licenses - the great and terrible Nintendo. True, I did not use it right away, but after 3 long years after the beginning of the 32-bit era.

Famicom N , . , , . Nintendo : Famicom, Super Famicom. , Ultra Famicom, .

Steepler 1993 , . SEGA, ATARI The 3DO company , , . 23 1993, Mark Hopkins Nintendo   Silicon graphics Inc (SGI)  -,  Project reality.

In the wake of the popularity of the topic of virtual reality, the name Project reality was quite appropriate
Project reality

SGI . : « Nintendo Silicon Graphics ».

,  Project reality, . 1994 SGI  Project reality  , 1995 — .

At the start of the project, no one knew what the console data carrier would be
Until recently, many journalists believed that Nintendo with its third console will go to CD
, Nintendo CD

CD-ROM- Super Famicom Sega CD, N . !

« » 64- MIPS R4000i, SGI  Project reality  . 1993 (, !) 70 (!) . 1995 , .

 Project reality  , SGI Rambus , Alias Multigen Inc. , Nintendo NEC .

Nintendo Silicon graphics Inc.  The 3DO company  NASDAQ. , - 3DO Interactive multiplayer  . Sony PlayStation . , 3DO Electronic Arts, 1996 .

SGI ,  Project reality  ONYX. 1994 : Super Mario 64 ! , .

The first development tool for 64-bit Nintendo games was the Project reality emulator on the Onyx station
64- Project reality Onyx
Descendant (above) and ancestor (below)
() ()

, Nintendo, 1994 , 1995 . Sega Sony Saturn PlayStation, N .

- ?

 Project reality  ONYX -, Nintendo , . , «» Argonaut — Super FX-, «» StarFox, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Stunt Race FX ., 3D- Super Famicom, MegaDrive/Genesis 3DO, 32 Jaguar!

16-bit Donkey Kong shines with might and main with new technologies on old hardware
16- Donkey Kong
32-bit Gex is hardly better than the classic Mega Drive: Aladdin, Lion King, Comix Zone, Vectorman ..
32- Gex Mega Drive: Aladdin, Lion King, Comix Zone, Vectorman..
64-  Rayman  ,         SNES
64- Rayman , SNES

4- 5- Super Famicom 3D (, Donkey Kong country) 32- , SA-1 ,  Ultra 64. , Sega Saturn Sony PlayStation.

Doom SNES, Virtual boy Killer instinct . 16- Doom, 32- Mario Clash 64- Killer instinct N -, Nintendon't.

, , .

, Ultra…

Rare , . , - 23 1994 Nintendo  Project reality  — Ultra 64. , -  Ultra 64. « » Acclaim, Rare, Ocean, Williams, Time warner interactive, Spectrum holobyte ., .

    Midway   Ultra 64
Midway Ultra 64
   ,     Famicom   Ultra (      Killer instinct, ,     Family computer),       64- ,
, Famicom Ultra ( Killer instinct, , Family computer), 64- ,
,    Ultratech ( « »)  Killer instinct       Project Reality  Ultra 64
, Ultratech ( « ») Killer instinct Project Reality Ultra 64

1993  Project reality  , 1994  Ultra 64  ONYX SGI . Nintendo, .

Williams, N  Ultra 64. Williams/Nintendo Killer Instinct Cruis'n USA ,  Ultra 64.

  Ultra 64      ,      Nintendo
Ultra 64 , Nintendo

, SGI , 1995  Ultra 64 development board, Indy SGI.

, Nintendo ONYX SGI Indy. , Indy  Ultra 64. , – Killer instinct Super Mario 64, Onyx.

Ultra 64 development board ().     ()
Ultra 64 development board (). ()
Ultra 64 development board    INDY
Ultra 64 development board INDY
 ,      ,        DEVELOPMNET.     2.0

C 19 5 1995 « SGI» « Nintendo» , - 1996 . - , , ,  Ultra 64  4- .

, , -, - 480i (NTSC-) / 576i (PAL-) , 24 , 24- CD-, ( 254 /), , , , , , , MIP– Z-.

  ,      Nintendo 64.    ,        ,
, Nintendo 64. , ,
   Nintendo     « ,  »,
Nintendo « , »,

-  Ultra 64, Nintendo 3 1995 , Virtual Boy SNES.  Ultra 64, , .

,  Ultra 64  , , . , Nintendo — R&D3 , , .


c Wii, . , – .

3 1995  Ultra 64  , «» . ,  Ultra 64  Cruis’n USA Killer instinct. , , , …

  KI    Ultra 64
KI Ultra 64
Powered by Nintendo's Ultra 64 system —  ,         5-
Powered by Nintendo's Ultra 64 system — , 5-

, , . 70 SGI  Ultra 64, 20 R&D3 .

, , , Super Famicom, 3D-, . , , . , . , . , , , Wii.

      Ultra 64
Ultra 64
      .    ,       GameCube,   Wii
. , GameCube, Wii
    SNES        Ultra 64
SNES Ultra 64
 ,    HORI -
, HORI -

. , Nintendo of America, R&D3 , , . - Super Mario 64. , .

Ultra 64 , 3D .

, , , , 4 ( B 6- , ). SNES , .

     Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64

, . , , , , , PlayStation 3DO. , R&D3,  Ultra 64  , Famicom – .

. 3DO, – Sega Dreamcast Xbox.

 Nintendo 64      .  :   ,  «»  ,     ,      .      ,
Nintendo 64 . : , «» , , . ,

, , , . A B , .

 Nintendo 64,     Ultra 64 development board
Nintendo 64, Ultra 64 development board

, . , () , . , L R Start.


3 '95 , Nintendo , 7- Shoshinkai. 24 1995 N , , , ! Nintendo  Ultra 64, , —  Nintendo 64.  - . Ultra, -, . 64, N .

, , Nintendo Ultra 64 ( NUS-001 ), .

  Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64
 ,         Konami — Ultra games,    ,   N
, Konami — Ultra games, , N

 Nintendo 64, Super Mario 64 Kirby bowl 64, , . : Pilotwings 64, Waverace, Blastdozer, Legend of Zelda . , Doom 64, Killer instinct, Crius’n USA. , , .

Despite the fact that Nintendo dotted the i's with its 3rd console, the press used both new and old names, both new and old images, long after Shoshinkai ...
, Nintendo i 3- , Shoshinkai , , , …
it went so far that the N64 gamepad began to coexist with the Ultra 64 and vice versa - the U64 gamepad with the Nintendo 64 console
o , N64 Ultra 64 — U64 c Nintendo 64
If you look closely, the confusion with the name after Shoshinkai only continued.

1996 1996 . , ,  Nintendo 64.  .

,  Nintendo 64  , , . , , .

, : , , 3D (007, Doom 64, Turok, Perfect dark), 3D (Super Mario 64, Zelda: Ocarina of time) .

SGI Nintendo , 23 1993 , 5- - ( $199-250 ). , Sega Dreamcast, 128- 6- .

Nintendo  Ultra 64 (  Nintendo 64)  Killer instinct Cruis‘n USA, . , Super Mario 64 Pilotwings 64. Killer instinct , Rare Killer instinct SNES (!).

It is noteworthy that in 2013 the Killer instinct franchise again hit the starter roster, but this time for the Xbox One console.

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