Schematic diagram of how typical thinking works link to full picture

Have you ever wondered what you think? All thought processes in our brain can be divided into blocks, algorithms, neural networks, but the principle is the same - there are input signals from sensors, there is some kind of information processing circuit, and finally, there are output neurons responsible for the movement of all muscles and regulation of the body. Simple scheme - input, function, output. Input information is information from the environment. Our body is also a medium for the informational function of our brain. In general, everything that gives information to the brain can be called an environment. The brain receives this information from the world around us, as well as from the sensors of internal organs, namely about their current and past state. Information enters the brain in a constant smooth flow and is stored in it for some time,which gives him the opportunity to look entirely at the chart for some last period of time, and not just exclusively at the current moment. Well, let's dive into in detail where this information goes and how it is converted. I am sure that even a 7-year-old child will understand this scheme, and this is precisely the universal formula of intelligence that is used by all higher organisms on earth.


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... environment -> input -> function of consciousness -> output -> environment ...

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