Martian frontier

Which daily used IT system is farthest from us? Mars rover Perseverance. Perhaps there is nowhere further. Under the cut, let's talk about the technical stuffing of the mission, the features of communication with the Earth and other pressing problems and tasks facing the Perseverance rover and its little winged friend Ingenuity.

Edge computing comes to the rescue when an application requires responsiveness but is physically located far from core IT resources. To date, the most striking example of this is an unmanned rover that performs scientific research 62 million kilometers from Earth, on the surface of the Red Planet.

The Perseverance rover interacts with the outside world in real time, but the transit time of a signal from Mars to NASA's MCC is about 12 minutes. But delays are only half the trouble. The very quality of communication at such a distance leaves much to be desired. Accordingly, the only way out is to delegate the "making" of some decisions to Perseverance itself.

At the same time, the rover is technologically very modest: its onboard systems operate on the basis of the PowerPC 750 processor, exactly the same as in the Apple Bondi Blue iMac computer of 1998.

, «» — Curiosity. 2012 . , : .

- Ingenuity, , «»: , Snapdragon 801, ~2014 , , Sony Xperia Z3.

, . Perseverance (18 ), . .

( , ) . 20112.5 , 1300°C. 7 , NASA . , , .

Perseverance — NASA. , .

28 . , . 

«» . NASA — , «» .

, , , . NASA , ( 35%) .

, — . .

— Perseverance 7,72 6,6 . , Curiosity (24,94 x 19,96 ). , , .

, Perseverance . .

~320 /, . (LVS) (TRN), , Perseverance .

, «» — , — , , 100%.

TRN : « 80 85 . 99 .»

, , . , : « , « » , : , . . — !».

— , NASA . , , . , , , .

- , . Perseverance .

, — . 2026 .

Perseverance . — .

. , «» NASA .

: , , .

NASA , .

Perseverance , , , 2006 .

, .

, . — «» . .

, (CCSDS). 7 65 542 , . .

, : Power PC 750.

: «» 10.4 , , . , CPU 233 , Perseverance 133 .

«» . -, CPU, $20000. RAD750 BAE Systems, , : , .

, BAE Systems: «, . - «», . , , ».

— VxWorks, 1987 .

Perseverance , - 256 RAM. , , .


  • Mastcam-Z — , .

  • SuperCam — . 

  • PIXL (Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry) — , .

  • SHERLOC (Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals) — , .

  • MOXIE (Mars Oxygen In-situ Resource Utilization Experiment) — . , .

  • MEDA (Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer) — , , , , , .

  • RIMFAX ( ) —     .

  • «»- 2 , .

  • , UHF ( 2 /) X-.

  • 110 MMRTG ( ).

2020, , . , : . Ingenuity, «» , , . Perseverance, , , , .

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