How a developer learned from his mistakes

In the original article on Medium , although written on behalf of a male, it can be said from the biblical first person Adam, the example of a top developer is a girl who made her website at 11 years old and became a billionaire by 23 years old. Judging by the fact that in our company female developers are very rare (there are only two of them), and we are a typical IT company, in order to adapt to local realities, we had to turn it into a guy. It turned out almost like Kipling's. Remember, the panther Bagheera in the original books was a macho boy, and in the Soviet cartoon he turned into a supergirl with the voice of actress Kasatkina.

We publish not a complete translation of the material, but the part that is most "painful" for us.

All programmers know the stories of top developers who started programming at a young age, and at twenty were included in the lists of the rich and famous. We all love these stories, these heroes; their achievements in programming inspire us and set trends. And when it comes to solving problematic problems using complex algorithms and attracting millions of investments in Round A, such specialists, it seems, are never wrong.

But the reality is that every developer, even the top one, sometimes makes mistakes, but gets corrected. The difference is in the cost of a mistake; if a programmer screw up, databases are at risk, and the loss could cost companies billions of dollars. Why are we all so afraid of jambs? They are like a stigma: no one talks about their mistakes, no one wants to be considered a fool among geniuses. 

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P.S. , . 

The main takeaway from past mistakes is that you will always face obstacles and setbacks. They are not only inevitable, but also necessary. Failure is rarely the result of the failure of an individual. Fakaps are an opportunity to better understand yourself and others. Has the chief razed you to the ground or lifted you up to heaven? Family and friends are not abandoned in difficult times? In any case, you have a great opportunity to catch your breath and think about your plans.

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