Machete Mode: Tags for Frames

The translation was prepared as part of the online course " Python Developer. Professional ".

We also invite everyone to the open demo lesson "What's new in Python 3.10". In this webinar, we'll talk about the most important PEPs included in the next Python 3.10 release. In particular, how the work with types will change.

Python, , , . , , ยซยป โ€” . 

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, : , . unittest.TestCase

, ยซยป . , , - , , pytest .

, ? , - , .

def setup_test(self):
    import inspect
    project_home = "/Users/ned/coverage"
    site_packages = ".tox/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/"
    with open("/tmp/foo.txt", "a") as foo:
        print("setup_test", file=foo)
        for t in inspect.stack()[::-1]:
            # t is (frame, filename, lineno, function, code_context, index)
            frame, filename, lineno, function = t[:4]
            filename = os.path.relpath(filename, project_home)
            filename = filename.replace(site_packages, "")
            show = "%30s : %s:%d" % (function, filename, lineno)
            print(show, file=foo)

, . : . , . , , , .

, , . :

                      <module> :
                          main :
           do_test_with_tracer :
                     run_tests :
                          main : _pytest/config/
                      __call__ : pluggy/
                     _hookexec : pluggy/
                      <lambda> : pluggy/
                    _multicall : pluggy/
           pytest_cmdline_main : _pytest/
                  wrap_session : _pytest/
                         _main : _pytest/
                      __call__ : pluggy/
                     _hookexec : pluggy/
                      <lambda> : pluggy/
                    _multicall : pluggy/
            pytest_runtestloop : _pytest/
                      __call__ : pluggy/
                     _hookexec : pluggy/
                      <lambda> : pluggy/
                    _multicall : pluggy/
       pytest_runtest_protocol : flaky/
       pytest_runtest_protocol : _pytest/
               runtestprotocol : _pytest/
               call_and_report : flaky/
             call_runtest_hook : _pytest/
                     from_call : _pytest/
                      <lambda> : _pytest/
                      __call__ : pluggy/
                     _hookexec : pluggy/
                      <lambda> : pluggy/
                    _multicall : pluggy/
          pytest_runtest_setup : _pytest/
                       prepare : _pytest/
                         setup : _pytest/
                  fillfixtures : _pytest/
                 _fillfixtures : _pytest/
               getfixturevalue : _pytest/
        _get_active_fixturedef : _pytest/
        _compute_fixture_value : _pytest/
                       execute : _pytest/
                      __call__ : pluggy/
                     _hookexec : pluggy/
                      <lambda> : pluggy/
                    _multicall : pluggy/
          pytest_fixture_setup : _pytest/
             call_fixture_func : _pytest/
             connect_to_pytest : tests/
                    setup_test : tests/

, , . , . ?

, , . pytest , . pytest, , , .

, : . . ( ), ( ). , , , .

, , id , id , . , ? , , .  , , .

. , , , . , :

def setup_test(self):
    import inspect
    project_home = "/Users/ned/coverage"
    site_packages = ".tox/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/"
    with open("/tmp/foo.txt", "a") as foo:
        print("setup_test", file=foo)
        for t in inspect.stack()[::-1]:
            # t is (frame, filename, lineno, function, code_context, index)
            frame, filename, lineno, function = t[:4]
            visits = frame.f_locals.get("$visits", 0)       ## new
            frame.f_locals["$visits"] = visits + 1          ## new
            filename = os.path.relpath(filename, project_home)
            filename = filename.replace(site_packages, "")
            show = "%30s :  %d  %s:%d" % (function, visits, filename, lineno)
            print(show, file=foo)

, . :

                      <module> :  1
                          main :  1
           do_test_with_tracer :  1
                     run_tests :  1
                          main :  1  _pytest/config/
                      __call__ :  1  pluggy/
                     _hookexec :  1  pluggy/
                      <lambda> :  1  pluggy/
                    _multicall :  1  pluggy/
           pytest_cmdline_main :  1  _pytest/
                  wrap_session :  1  _pytest/
                         _main :  1  _pytest/
                      __call__ :  1  pluggy/
                     _hookexec :  1  pluggy/
                      <lambda> :  1  pluggy/
                    _multicall :  1  pluggy/
            pytest_runtestloop :  1  _pytest/
                      __call__ :  1  pluggy/
                     _hookexec :  1  pluggy/
                      <lambda> :  1  pluggy/
                    _multicall :  1  pluggy/
       pytest_runtest_protocol :  1  flaky/
       pytest_runtest_protocol :  0  _pytest/
               runtestprotocol :  0  _pytest/
               call_and_report :  0  flaky/
             call_runtest_hook :  0  _pytest/
                     from_call :  0  _pytest/
                      <lambda> :  0  _pytest/
                      __call__ :  0  pluggy/
                     _hookexec :  0  pluggy/
                      <lambda> :  0  pluggy/
                    _multicall :  0  pluggy/
          pytest_runtest_setup :  0  _pytest/
                       prepare :  0  _pytest/
                         setup :  0  _pytest/
                  fillfixtures :  0  _pytest/
                 _fillfixtures :  0  _pytest/
               getfixturevalue :  0  _pytest/
        _get_active_fixturedef :  0  _pytest/
        _compute_fixture_value :  0  _pytest/
                       execute :  0  _pytest/
                      __call__ :  0  pluggy/
                     _hookexec :  0  pluggy/
                      <lambda> :  0  pluggy/
                    _multicall :  0  pluggy/
          pytest_fixture_setup :  0  _pytest/
             call_fixture_func :  0  _pytest/
             connect_to_pytest :  0  tests/
                    setup_test :  0  tests/

โ€“ , , โ€“ . , , . 

: , . pytest-flaky , . , ( ), pytest-flaky .

, , , . : , . 

, , pytest-flaky .

, , . - , , , , .

, , . :

                      <module> :  3
                          main :  3
           do_test_with_tracer :  3
                     run_tests :  3
                          main :  3  _pytest/config/
                      __call__ :  3  pluggy/
                     _hookexec :  3  pluggy/
                      <lambda> :  3  pluggy/
                    _multicall :  3  pluggy/
           pytest_cmdline_main :  3  _pytest/
                  wrap_session :  3  _pytest/
                         _main :  3  _pytest/
                      __call__ :  3  pluggy/
                     _hookexec :  3  pluggy/
                      <lambda> :  3  pluggy/
                    _multicall :  3  pluggy/
            pytest_runtestloop :  3  _pytest/
                      __call__ :  1  pluggy/
                     _hookexec :  1  pluggy/
                      <lambda> :  1  pluggy/
                    _multicall :  1  pluggy/
       pytest_runtest_protocol :  1  flaky/
       pytest_runtest_protocol :  0  _pytest/
               runtestprotocol :  0  _pytest/
               call_and_report :  0  flaky/
             call_runtest_hook :  0  _pytest/
                     from_call :  0  _pytest/
                      <lambda> :  0  _pytest/
                      __call__ :  0  pluggy/
                     _hookexec :  0  pluggy/
                      <lambda> :  0  pluggy/
                    _multicall :  0  pluggy/
          pytest_runtest_setup :  0  _pytest/
                       prepare :  0  _pytest/
                         setup :  0  _pytest/
                  fillfixtures :  0  _pytest/
                 _fillfixtures :  0  _pytest/
               getfixturevalue :  0  _pytest/
        _get_active_fixturedef :  0  _pytest/
        _compute_fixture_value :  0  _pytest/
                       execute :  0  _pytest/
                      __call__ :  0  pluggy/
                     _hookexec :  0  pluggy/
                      <lambda> :  0  pluggy/
                    _multicall :  0  pluggy/
          pytest_fixture_setup :  0  _pytest/
             call_fixture_func :  0  _pytest/
             connect_to_pytest :  0  tests/
                    setup_test :  0  tests/


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"Python Developer. Professional"

ยซ Python 3.10ยป

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