Clarion - The programming language everyone has forgotten about. And I had to remember

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In my first post, I want to talk about one of the rarest and oldest programming languages ​​- Clarion. I am familiar with the entire line of these wonderful languages ​​from 2.1 onwards 5.0, 6.0, 6.3, 8 and up to 9.1 to the present moment. I will gradually tell you the general details of this technology, few people may find it useful, but there is very little information about this technology on the modern Internet, so I want to keep the memory of this technology on the Internet.

My first "contact" happened about 15-16 years old, when I, by chance, met a programmer at work with my parents. It was a bearded man named Evgeny Ivanovich. I was immediately attracted by his conversations about Databases, operators, variables, functions ...

Clarion 2.1

, ( 1., 2.) . , , -. , , .

Built-in report generator

2.x , , 512 , , .

Clarion 2.x program code
Clarion 2.x

, MS-DOS, Norton Commander Windows 95. " " DOS - , Clarion 2.1.

window designer

, 2.1 , , , lookup ( ID).


" ". , Clarion , , . , , , , . , . Clarion, 5.

, DBF , Clarion . .

Clarion , , tbl_name.dat, , tbl_name.k01, tbl_name.k02 ... tbl_name.kNN

. - . "" , " " , " ", " , - - ", .

, 100 5-10, . .

, , .

Clarion 2.x .. . Clarion, , .

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