FLoC off: Brave position

We at Brave are against FLoC as we are against any malicious functionality. Brave is powered by the Chromium engine, so we ripped off FLoC before it even became trendy, and recently physically disabled the code that calculates FLoC IDs ( this pull request even made it to # 1 on HackerNews). FLoC won't work on our websites either - we don't want information about users interested in Brave to leak out of Chrome. Thus, this feature has joined our long list of tentacles severed from Chromium.

Details and details about the dangers of FLoC - in the article.

Step into the abyss

For once, companies are forced to respect user privacy, albeit to a minimum. People become more informed, including they recognize and use tools that protect their privacy (including Brave or Signal); relevant laws are passed ( CCPA , GDPR ). Against this backdrop, the initiative of Google Corporation, which could seize the moment and build a new, user-centered, privacy-first Internet, is somewhat surprising, but instead proposes and immediately implements changes that support the advertising ecosystem in its current unsightly form.

, Google Chrome. , FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts) — - , () . , ( ), LSH — , . , . ( ) .

, , FLoC Privacy Sandbox. , — Brave Rewards , . Google , , ad-tech , , .

, FLoC : , .


FLoC — . EFF ( ) , .


FLoC – , . , FLoC , FLoC . , , .

, , , . , , - , , ( , ).

Google , FLoC , , :

  1. Google, FLoC , . , , Brave . , , Chrome — , .

  2. Google , , , k- ( k , ), . , . , «», , , , .   , , , , . , -, - .

, , . « ». FLoC « » «».


FLoC () , FLoC . , Privacy Budget — , « ». 

, . , , , Privacy Budget — .

, , — , .


Google , . , , ( , , ) FLoC, , «» . -22 — , , . , , «» , , , .

, « » . , , . , . , ? Google. , , , ? , , – , – .

, « »,  Google, - . , , « » ( , ) « », .

FLoC ,

FLoC , — , .

, , , . – . , , , , , , . , FLoC Chrome , . 

FLoC , FLoC, , , . FLoC .


, FLoC , FLoC ( , , ). , , , — . , Google FLoC , .

FLoC Privacy Sandbox — . , , FLoC .  Google , .

: « ?». , FLoC Privacy Sandbox « , ». Brave — , , , , .

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