How to process kernel crash and bug report now? Or a word about the difference between interesting and surprising

There is a widely known historical anecdote that Tsarina Catherine II wrote a simple Russian word of 3 letters with 4 errors. It is much less known that this error is not at all unique. Children of European expats studying Russian can easily write the word β€œhedgehog” in dictation as Y-O-Sh-E-G.

, . , β€œβ€ . , , , . , . , , , , , . Linux .

OpenVz linux kernel maintenance. OpenVz RHEL7 RHEL8. Red Hat 5 , , : , .

memcg accounting. OpenVZ kernel objects β€” v2.2.x 2001 . , , .

accounting, user beancounters. , . upstream , namespaces cgroups, β€” , .

memcg accounting Virtuozzo Hybrid Server 7.5, Virtuozzo Hybrid Server 8, , upstream . , , :

upstream . , VM Fedora Rawhide - .

memcg per-memcg sysfs memory.kmem.slabinfo. SLAB , memory cgroup, /proc/slabinfo. upstream , . , Fedora β€” : , .

. , memcg , memory.kmem.slabinfo . , , , drgn tools/cgroup/

crash β€” . rash , , production node β€” OOM-killer. ftrace, perf systemtap β€” .

drgn β€” . , . , -- - . , -, , , . :

, . , out-ouf-tree . drgn .

accounting β€” . , , . . , upstream β€” Fedora Rawhide aka fc35. , , β€” . : drgn .

 [root@localhost test]# rpm -q drgn


[root@localhost test]# drgn -s /usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/5.12.0-0.rc8.191.fc35.x86_64/vmlinux

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/bin/drgn", line 33, in

sys.exit(load_entry_point('drgn==0.0.11', 'console_scripts', 'drgn')())

File "/usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/drgn/internal/", line 119, in main

prog.load_debug_info(args.symbols, **args.default_symbols)

Exception: /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/modules/5.12.0-0.rc8.191.fc35.x86_64/vmlinux: .debug_info+0x7704ab: unknown DWARF CU version 5

fc34, β€” .

, , drgn, crash.


[root@localhost ~]# crash -d 1 ( dwarf error )


Dwarf Error: wrong version in compilation unit header (is 5, should be 2, 3, or 4) [in module /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/modules/5.11.12-300.fc34.x86_64/vmlinux]

crash: /usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/5.11.12-300.fc34.x86_64/vmlinux: no debugging data available

, :

Fedora 34 gcc 11, debuginfo DWARF version 5. userspace , gdb .

, :

  • crash gdb, DWARF 5

  • drgn DWARF 5 ,

  • systemtap, , .

, Fedor 34 .

-! kernel crashes bug reports? , ?

crash drgn - , DWARF 5 . , - . , . , , ,     . , Fedora Red Hat CentOS. . , .   , .

, Fedora, , - . . :


-, Fedora 33. , , . , .

-, , Fedora production , , .

, , , , Open Source.

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