Ansible Hands-On Course: Announcement and Pre-order


By 2021, Ansible has already become the standard in administration. Three out of four DevOps jobs ask for knowledge of Ansible. Of these, only one of four is an advantage, and the rest is a requirement.

, c Ansible , , Β«Ansible: Β».

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1. LEMP ( )

  • LEMP
  • Ansible
  • Ansible
  • Ansible

2. LEMP Ansible (playbook, ansible.cfg, hosts, templates)

  • Ansible Galaxy
  • . Symphony PHP Ansible

3. Python stack (modules, handlers)

  • Raw
  • uWSGI
  • ssl (Let’s encrypt )
  • . Flask Python Ansible

4. (roles, jinja2, , , , postgresql_db, postgresql_user, mongodb, script , changed_when, failed_when)

  • proxy Ansible
  • Postgres cluster
  • Mongo cluster
  • . Docker-

5. Ansible (pre_tasks, post_tasks, include, serial ax_fail_percentage, , , )

  • rolling update
  • . -

6. (, Ansible)

  • .

7. IaaC

  • Git hooks Ansible (GitLab API integration, GitLab runners)
  • . ( -)

8. ( )

  • Prometheus
  • . /

9. Ansible (,

, )

  • Google cloud AWS Ansbile
  • Ansible Vault
  • Bastion Ansible
  • Ansible Tower
  • enterprise


11. Ansible

27 .

6 30 000 , - .

7 β€” 40 000 , .

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