How a good developer becomes a bad manager

Vertical growth is not always easy for a developer. In this article, I will share my story and the problems I encountered, reflections on the causes of these problems and how they could be avoided.   

Developer life

All my independent life I've been writing code. I think over both the high-level structure and the details, thanks to which I feel complete control over the work process. It so happened that formal managers never stood above me, only product owners, who directly broadcast the vision of the project to the team.

In the craft of a developer, I am attracted, on the one hand, by the clear structure of the work, and on the other, by the creative component, mixed in the ideal proportions in my opinion. I always have a plan, and I fucking love to cross it out item by item, leaving at the end of the day with a blank list and a pleasant feeling of lightness.

The pleasure of work is made up of all sorts of components, but the most pleasant thing is when you think about a problem for a long time and suddenly you finally see the light, the mosaic adds up to a picture - oh, such moments are definitely worth all the effort invested!

There are crunches, where without them, but it's like giving all the best on a hundred-meter - you do it quickly and to the maximum, and then you rejoice at the result.  

At the same time, I like interacting with people - gathering a team for a hackathon, a game or a party, organizing a process and thinking through a plan - that's about me. I enjoy reading books on psychology and management, I enjoy encouraging people to take action, and people, best of all, listen to me. And then one day I thought that I could do more than just write code. 

Not without mental anguish, I changed my job to a more promising one in terms of career growth, and after 9 months I became the team lead of a development team, the size of which reached at its peak 12 people, mostly developers - front and back, as well as analysts, projects and QA ... 

With the mentorship of the CTO, I entered a new role. What changed? Everything. 

Further, we will dramatically sound the alarm every time something in the new picture of the world breaks the picture of the old one.

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Define your own success metrics. For example, you hastily and unsuccessfully tried to close the last release on the last day of the sprint, and this one already two days before the end, and only one task got out of it. Progress? Progress. Last Monday, after the meeting with the customer, you raked the results of the meeting until the end of the day, and on this Monday you scattered half to the customer's side during the meeting, delegated some to the team, and in the end spent only half a day raking. Great, though.  

And yes, work is not your whole life, but only part of it, and in order to succeed anywhere, you need to maintain a conscious balance.   

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