Spring navigator: what we talked about at the NTI online convention

"Spring Navigator" is a traditional event of the NTI platform, a forum that in 2021 was held in the format of an online convention from April 19 to 23. These are the days when the participants of the National Technology Initiative talked about breakthrough technologies, solutions for the digital economy, and new opportunities for the development of individuals and society. This year, within the framework of "Spring Navigator: Big Synchronization" one day was completely devoted to the solutions developed by the University at 20.35.


Initially, all services were divided according to the principle: "Who is it useful to?" It turned out to be useful: universities, technology companies and startups, regions, end users for self-development. There are more than a dozen services in this context, and in this review we will tell (very briefly and only about some) what these products are, what are the benefits of them, where you can get acquainted with them and how to use them. Most of them are free services available to any user.

Perhaps the only inconvenience that we could not overcome is the need to register on the Leader-ID platform in order to open an office at the University at 20.35 - it takes about five minutes, but a little annoying. Let's start our review with the Digital HR area.

CORPGEN. Service for assessing the parameters of corporate culture and the state of the team

It replaces a human expert: it has more metrics than traditional consulting, while lower cost and time spent on diagnostics. To increase the number of metrics and the depth of analysis, UNTI specialists have developed their own methodology, which includes 44 criteria and is the most detailed model of corporate culture (CC) known today. The main blocks of metrics characterize the key aspects of QC: organizational structure, work schedule, knowledge management, task management, communication, values ​​and motivation.


The user interface consists of 2 parts:

  1. The interface of an HR specialist or manager, which allows you to customize and manage the research process, as well as work with diagnostic results.
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At the design stage

As in the case of corporate genetics, the idea of ​​this service is to replace the expert with machine intelligence in terms of diagnosing processes in work teams. The service is designed to help reduce the impact of negative factors (incompatibility, stress, conflicts, burnout, etc.) and enhance the impact of factors that stimulate productivity growth (effective distribution of roles in the team and effective communication, exchange of experience, synergy).


Thanks to the implementation of the service, companies will be able to successfully solve such problems as increasing the productivity of the team, shortening the adaptation time for new employees, preventing burnout and unexpected dismissal. Structurally, the solution consists of an interactive online survey (interface for employees) and a chatbot that can be integrated into many chats and work applications and, in a fly-on-the-wall mode, analyze the specifics of communications, team relationships, distribution of roles, emotional climate, etc. parameters. Comparing them with the data of employee questionnaires, the system builds a team profile, indicates problems and risks, and makes recommendations on which characteristics of the team require increased attention. The data is available to users on the dashboard.

CVlla: new level hunting

At the design stage

In modern conditions, vacancies are often a complex mix of knowledge and skills, and the nature of this mix does not always follow directly from the name of the vacancy. For example, when you need a specialist with a sufficiently diversified competence stack and deep knowledge in certain technologies, this has already become the norm in IT. The emergence of such vacancies means that the recruiter's time spent on job descriptions and reviewing resumes will increase.

In addition, the resume does not always correspond to the fact, thus, difficulties are added with testing such candidates. As a result, the time spent on finding and hiring a candidate increases significantly.


The service automates the entire chain of recruitment processes: from creating a vacancy to making an informed decision about inviting a candidate for an interview. The user interface is built in the most convenient way for a recruiter - like a kanban board with the main stages of the competition (the funnel can be freely configured). The service conducts an automatic search in the main sites and provides not only links to suitable resumes, but also a mapping of resumes with vacancies, that is, it determines the correspondence of candidates to vacancies in percentage based on their resumes.

Then, for the candidates selected by the recruiter for the shortlist, the system automatically generates tests for the skills marked as key in the job description. The test is a question in the area of ​​the candidate's narrow specialization, with 4 possible answers, one of which is correct. In addition to closed-ended questions, the procedural test generator creates an open-ended question that the candidate is asked to answer in a voice message format. Both test elements are available in messengers, the candidate can answer without preparation, without wasting time.

The task of such screening is precisely to assess skills in a “slice” format, since in real work there are often situations in which you need to react quickly, according to the circumstances.

The service checks the test results and compares them with the data of speech analytics. As a result, the system issues a vacancy match rating for all candidates. The service is designed so that all this work does not require the participation of an HR department employee, except for the moments of adding to the shortlist and making a decision based on the rating to invite a candidate for an interview.

CMK card

Service of analytics of the labor market in the field of IT. Helps to find a job in any region and refresher courses. CMK is a platform built on the basis of a huge amount of data. We analyzed over 80 million jobs, more than 50 competency models of digital economy companies, Russian and global databases with job descriptions, millions of surveys in the IT and Data Science communities. The analysis continues online. Based on this data, the digital model automatically builds sets of subject areas, skills, tools and tasks that reflect the essence of specific specializations and areas of activity.



- allows you to assess what skills and competencies a person possesses, for which professions of the future they may be useful;

- demonstrates the most demanded competencies in the context of professions, industries and regions;

- updates educational and professional standards in accordance with the demands of the labor market;

- helps in the formation of an educational trajectory for the rapid and effective development of new competencies and professions.


CMK is a "live" map with current vacancies in IT in different regions and a real tool for finding a job. Why IT? The digitalization of the economy is taking place all over the world, including in Russia. Therefore, the map is tied to the competencies of the future and the skill sets that are most important to them. This is a service that allows you not only to analyze what competencies are lacking in order to remain in demand in the labor market, but also to get them. The map is linked to a catalog of over 3,000 online courses created by 20.35 University experts and verified partners.


We have collected and combined the most relevant vacancies in the IT market throughout the country. More than 16 thousand offers (HeadHunter, Superjob, "Work in Russia") - from business analysts to system administrators. Living in Ryazan and working in Tomsk, if it turns out that your work there costs twice as much, is real. Moving now is not at all necessary - you can only select vacancies at a remote location. The CMC is loaded with all the competencies necessary for the digital economy market, they are distributed according to their popularity with employers in different regions and are displayed in infographics.

Design and educational intensives

Networked project-educational intensive is a project-oriented education format that combines:

  1. Teamwork on a technology project
  2. Learning according to individual educational trajectories
  3. Digital tools for educational management

Students of different courses and directions unite in teams and work together on real problems of business and industries. During the intensive, the participants make their own schedule based on educational requests (“What can I learn to implement the project?”), And the files created in the process of training and project work are saved to the digital competency profile.


University 20.35 trains operator teams from universities and helps them launch the project track. Conducting project activities and organizing educational space - on the side of the University at 20.35, support of teams by project mentors based on the methodological materials of the University at 20.35 - on the side of partner universities.

Why did we decide to hold them? Concentrated educational activities should help students to focus their attention on topics that are relevant to them at a particular stage in the development of the project. They can lead a wider audience than through the project track, they can be independent network events that are easier to promote and easier to deliver information about educational opportunities. The service "Bank of tasks" is closely connected with design and educational intensives.

Task bank

This is a service that we already wrote about shortly before - a no-code solution for a public storefront that hosts tasks for project teams. Teams, in turn, can book tasks and look for solutions for them. The task bank is focused primarily on small innovative companies. Collaboration within the Task Bank allows companies to test students on their task and better understand their abilities, as well as outsource tasks for which there are not enough resources.


According to statistics, in 25% of cases based on the results of the intensive, the company offers internships or work to the guys from the team that dealt with their task. The topics of the tasks can be very different: from agro and medicine to robotics and data science.

Behind the scenes

What was not included in the article, but what did the experts of the University at 20.35 talk about at the "Spring Navigator"?

  1. STEPS Platform is an educational recommendation service and a bank of curated collections of educational content designed to help you create a personalized educational space.
  2. Schools of Digital Transformation (EDE) is a project that combines two areas - “School of Educational Data Engineering” and “School of Pedagogical Design”.
  3. NTI educational franchises are a format for providing educational services based on content, methods and support from universities - NTI competence centers.
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  5. 20.35 – as is.
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  8. PCS (personal digital certificates) - the project is aimed at solving priority tasks in the field of training for the digital economy.

For more about the Spring Navigator Day: Big Synchronization, see our Go Online public page .

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