IT pros happiness, professional satisfaction, and hackathon: stir but don't stir

Hello, Habr! All people are different, and we also understand happiness differently. In this article, we invite you to discuss what makes the IT industry happy. And, by the way, does the state of happiness depend on the profession and hobbies, or the main thing is a person's personality and susceptibility to external factors? Let's talk about this. We also offer you to take part in the Digital Breakthrough hackathon, the details of which are under the cut.

What does science say there?


In general, the topic of happiness is close to the scientific community, so different groups of scientists at different times tried to answer the question "How can you determine whether an IT specialist is happy or not?" The most relevant is the project of a group of researchers from well-known universities in Italy, Finland and Germany.

They tried to find common ground in the responses of several hundred IT representatives. As it turned out, a happy developer can be defined by a fairly simple criterion: the productivity of such a specialist increases by 58% on average, he is satisfied with himself and others.

And vice versa, the unfortunate IT specialist harms others, a whole wave of tension builds up around him. Everything is logical, because the consequences of being depressed are low motivation plus mental anxiety. In addition, cognitive abilities may decrease, which, of course, affects productivity and efficiency. By the way, not so long ago, 10 reasons were identified that make a developer or representative of any other IT profession unhappy, or at least unhappy:

  • Getting stuck in solving a problem
  • Lack of time to solve the problem
  • Poor code quality and programming practice
  • A coworker taking a break from work
  • Feeling inadequate for the job
  • Routine
  • Unexplained code problem
  • Poor decision making
  • Introduced development restrictions
  • Personal problems that are not work related

But happy developers are fully involved in the process, they have a high level of motivation, plus a positive impact on their environment. By the way, many of the factors of dissatisfaction, which are indicated above, can be relatively easily removed, if there is a desire. “In this study, we have shown that dissatisfaction is present, it is caused by various factors, some of which are easily preventable,” said Daniel Graziotin of the Institute for Software Technology at the University of Stuttgart, lead author of the research paper.

Of course, this research cannot be called complete or very deep, but it does give an idea of ​​what a “happy IT person” is.

What do IT people themselves think?


In order to determine the definition of the feeling of happiness, we interviewed several representatives of the IT industry. Here are the most interesting answers.

Daniil Samoilov, "Five nines, 2 cats, a sweater and the world's best team!"

Maxim Dorofeev, ex-head of one of the departments of "Kaspersky Lab": "Happiness is personal efficiency and conscious processing of information."

Christina Shu: "Real happiness comes after closing 100 Chrome tabs and successfully solving a bug."

Ekaterina Pronshina, LLC "RTP": "For happiness, you need a cup of coffee that does not end and a cat next to the keyboard."

Olesya Savelyeva, Botkin City Clinical Hospital: “Happiness is when your code is called worthy, there are no bugs, when the product you worked on is used by many people, when you can afford to write and work on the task that you have chosen himself, and, of course, faith in himself and in the team. "

By the way, psychologists deduce about the same "formula for happiness" as the representatives of the IT-sphere mentioned above. The main thing, according to experts, is optimism and passion for work, and life in general. Optimism and dedication allow you to live a long life, maintaining a positive attitude for many decades.

At the same time, everyone's motivation may be different, which is quite logical. Here are some of the main categories of IT representatives who have a positive attitude towards work and life:

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In general, happiness is not only in work, but also in everyday life. We must not forget about loved ones, no matter how significant the success at work may be. Friends and family are able to bring their own bit of happiness, give a boost of vivacity and stimulus.

Another important factor is varied leisure activities. Development, administration, etc. - it's good. But nobody canceled hobbies either. “Snowboarding in winter and mountains in summer” is a common belief of many representatives of the IT industry. But the work itself, the feeling of being needed and feeding with ideas allows a person to be happy.

The topic is very interesting, here everyone can express their own opinion - and it will be correct, because happiness is individual for everyone. Let's discuss in the comments what is valuable to you, what keeps you happy and motivated.

A little about the hackathon


Yes, the hackathon was mentioned above, and now is the time to talk about it in a little more detail. This year, Digital Breakthrough, the flagship project of ANO Russia - the Land of Opportunities, is holding not one hackathon, but 8 thematic events at once.

The total prize fund at each semi-final is 4,500,000 rubles.

Startups, government agencies and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses can apply for participation. The EdTech hackathon has already passed, but there are still 7 thematic hackathons ahead:

  • EnergoMach.
  • HealthCare.
  • Creative Industries.
  • Lifetech.
  • Vehicle.
  • AgroTech.
  • FinTech.

Well, you can register here .

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