Modern C ++ won't save us

I often criticize memory-insecure languages, mainly C and C ++, and how they provoke an extraordinary number of security vulnerabilities. My summary, based on examining evidence from numerous large C and C ++ programming projects, is that we need to migrate our industry to the default memory-safe languages ​​(such as Rust and Swift). One of the answers that I often get is that the problem is not in C and C ++ themselves, the developers simply "prepare" them incorrectly. In particular, I often get an answer in defense of C ++ like: "C ++ is safe if you do not use functionality inherited from C" [1] or similar to it, that if you use the types and idioms of modern C ++, then you will be insured against vulnerabilities such as damage memories that other projects suffer from.

I would like to give credit to C ++ smart pointers because they help a lot. Unfortunately, my experience of working on large C ++ projects using modern idioms is that it is not even close enough to stop the influx of vulnerabilities. My goal for the remainder of this post is to highlight a number of completely modern C ++ idioms that introduce vulnerabilities.

Hidden link and use-after-free

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>

int main() {
  std::string s = "Hellooooooooooooooo ";
  std::string_view sv = s + "World\n";
  std::cout << sv;

, s + "World\n"


, std::string_view

. std::string , sv

, . sv

use-after-free . ! ++ , , sv

-, , . std::span

, ++.

++ :

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

std::function<int(void)> f(std::shared_ptr<int> x) {
    return [&]() { return *x; };

int main() {
    std::function<int(void)> y(nullptr);
        std::shared_ptr<int> x(std::make_shared<int>(4));
        y = f(x);
    std::cout << y() << std::endl;



. main

, x

, . y

. , . , , std::shared_ptr&

, .



, , , (, -1


). , value()

, T

, , , optional

. , operator*


. T

, , optional


, , :

#include <optional>

int f() {
    std::optional<int> x(std::nullopt);
    return *x;



, ! nullptr

segfault ( , ). , nullopt

, . T*

, , , nullptr


, . / :

#include <optional>
#include <memory>

std::unique_ptr<int> f() {
    std::optional<std::unique_ptr<int>> x(std::nullopt);
    return std::move(*x);



. , ; std::span

, std::vector, std::array<uint8_t, N>

. - , span

, , .

STL, span::operator[]

. , operator[]

. std::vector


, , , at()

, ( , , , std::vector::operator[]

). span at()

, , .

, Firefox, Chromium std::span


, , , std::span


C++ , : , std::span

, , std::variant


. C++ :

use-after-free, optional



++ Rust- ( Rust-, unsafe

) , ++ , , Rust Swift ( Python Javascript, , - Python, C++).

C C++ - . , , , , . ++, , ++.

[1] , , --, malloc/free . , , , , , ++ , ++- "".

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