Did you order meat from a test tube on the menu?

Each of us has probably thought about the physical suffering of the animals we eat. These animals are not always kept in proper conditions that satisfy the five animal freedoms, which I wrote about earlier [1]. Plus, due to the increase in mad cow disease [4], people are afraid of the emergence of a massive pandemic of this disease in their population. 

Neurodegenerative prion disease from the group of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.  It is caused by the BSE prion (BovPrPSc, PrPbse).  Leads to death.  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spongiform_encephalopathy of_large_horned_cattle
Neurodegenerative prion disease from the group of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. It is caused by the BSE prion (BovPrPSc, PrPbse). Leads to death. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spongiform_encephalopathy of_large_horned_cattle

This fact forces some people to switch to vegetarian diets with additives, which at the very least replace the intake of the required amount of meat in food. However, such decisions limit their own free will in the choice of food. Of course, there are benefits from such diets. This also reduces the risk of inflammatory bowel disease [2], the risk of which increases when the consumption of animal protein is higher than normal. This lack of risk of gout [5], obesity, type 2 diabetes [18] and prostate cancer [3] and so on is amazing and miraculous.

The American Dietetic Association has even suggested that well-planned vegetarian diets, including all-vegetarian diets, are healthy, nutritionally adequate, and can provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.

Food Trends & Science Technology talks about natural supplements used in vegan diets.
Food Trends & Science Technology explores natural supplements used in vegan diets.

, , , , , [6;17], , [7]. , , , [8]. . , , , . , , . , .

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A cannibalizing cow can be viewed here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtxmLV8fg98&feature=emb_logo].  Horse and Sheep [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG2wkkJmFo0]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtxmLV8fg98&feature=emb_logo]. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG2wkkJmFo0]

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A goat eats chickens [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhQ7rUPpcJg] Video with a chicken, a cat and a mouse, where the mouse became the prey of the chicken, and the cat is in shock [https://www.youtube.com/watch ? v = _dMDrRgAe8I]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhQ7rUPpcJg] , , , [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dMDrRgAe8I]

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. in vitro, .. 2009 , , .

This is what minced meat looks like from special cells taken from an animal.  This minced meat was grown in the laboratory for several months.  As you can see, it looks very, very appetizing.
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. , , in vitro . , « » [14]. , , , , , [15].

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The forestry sector and agriculture have managed to overtake even industry.

75% , 35% 14,5% . 2050 60%, [16]. , . , PETA [19].

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The structure of a conventional bioreactor.

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A simple diagram showing the production of laboratory meat from pig cells

. , . , , . , in vitro .

The purpose of any bioreactor is to create optimal conditions for the vital activity of cells and microorganisms cultivated in it, namely, to provide respiration, supply of food and removal of metabolites by uniform mixing of the gas and liquid components of the bioreactor contents.  In this case, it is undesirable to expose cells to thermal or mechanical stress [https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioreactor]
, , . [https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/]

, , , , . in vitro , , [21]. , , [20]. , , , , , , .


, , , , , . . , , 50 000 , 3000 .

in vitro .

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A line of production bioreactors in which plant and animal tissues of various types are grown.
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, in vitro

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Picture in the spirit: "Are you dreaming of test-tube meat? - Then we go to you!"
: « ?— !»

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There is a myth that they say that animals that are not needed will be thrown into the wild and will die out.  In fact, the reproduction of cows will be artificially reduced.
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, , « » , in vitro . , [22].

Previously, cars were the luxury of the wealthy.  Now every second person has a car with which they travel to different parts of the world.

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Alexis Carrel is a French surgeon, biologist, pathophysiologist, Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine in 1912.  In 1924 and 1927 he was elected a Corresponding Member and Honorary Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
— , , , 1912 . 1924 1927 - .

, , [21]. , 1912 , . , , , .

Winston Churchill - British statesman and politician, Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1940-1945 and 1951-1955;  reserve soldier, journalist, writer, artist, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1953).
— , - 1940—1945 1951—1955 ; , , , , (1953).

1932 . « », , « , , ». , 1950- , , [21]. 2013 in vitro Riverside Studios . 141 , 330 000 [21].

, . in vitro , , . , , . , . , , . . , [21]. , « ».

The future won't be so bad!

, , , . In vitro [20;21].

, . , . , - , , , , [20;21]. , , , . , .

Controlling the content of substances in a bioreactor can only be done by one trained person.

, -3. , , , , [21]. « », in vitro , .

- , , , [21: 23: 24]. in vitro , , , , [20;21]. , 50000 [21]! , .

Spongebob is not as easy as it sounds [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkk6gPozvE4&t=5s]

, [21]. , : - , - , . . « » ( ) ( ), [21]. , , « » , , !




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