New job

- What do you think about global warming?

A giant husky muzzle in black sunglasses asked from the screen.

- In what sense? Is this an interview already?

β€œI'm asking you to focus. As I just said, now I am going to ask the questions to which I ask you to give the most comprehensive answers. If you have any questions about the process, please, I am ready to answer them. We need to meet the allotted time.

- I just didn’t understand that we moved on to the official part. You have some kind of problem with your camera.

- Give me a sec.

A face in a blue-green mask pulled over its ears appeared on the screen, with a red BC logo in the middle.

- According to the company's policy, we conduct all interviews in masks. Should I wait for you or can we not continue?

- Are you afraid to pick up something on the video link?

- We take the health of our employees and loved ones as seriously as possible and believe that we have the right to demand the same from candidates.

It took Beglov a little less than a minute to fumble for a gauze mask in a drawer.

- Thank you. Any questions on your part before we start?

- How many questions are there?

- Are you in a hurry somewhere?

- I have 6 hours to communicate with you.

- We will try to keep within. Anything else? β€β€œ We're discussing the position of an elevator maintenance technician in your skyscrapers, right? What does global warming have to do with it?

- Right. If any of the questions seem offensive or unacceptable to you, please let us know immediately - we will stop right away. More questions? Can we continue?

Beglov nodded.

- I'm sorry, what?

- Yes, we can continue. I just nodded several times to the camera.

- Well. So, we stopped at global warming. What do you think of it?

- I think it's bad.

- Have you worked on improving work processes in your previous job?

This was not Beglov's first interview. In the previous place, he did not improve any processes, did not manage anything or anyone, did not build work, was not responsible for hiring, etc. And it will not do any of this on the next one. But this is neither the place nor the time to discuss the issues of the hiring manager.

- I did.

- How did you understand that the processes have been improved?

- For improving processes, I received 30 Excellent Jobs from the management.

- What processes do you prefer to improve?

- Processes in which I am as incompetent as possible. A fresh approach from the outside allows you to generate revolutionary ideas that, as a rule, cannot be seen with a blurry look from the inside.

- Great, we are just looking for people who look at each process in a new way, and in their work strive to reinvent the industry. Is it interesting for you?

- What? Reinvent? Yes of course. Reinventing the industry is what I do in my spare time from repairing elevators and washing machines.

- What's the last thing you reinvented?

- I am very worried about the problem of emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere. And I noticed that everyone ignores such a giant factor, especially in densely populated cities, as intestinal gases of people. You know, I have been working with elevators for a long time - in a cramped space, this problem is especially urgent. We wear bacteriological helmets on our heads - maybe it's time for ...

- Are you talking about plugs? This is not a reinvention. They are already quite popular. By the way, they are part of the standard uniform of our technicians.

- They don't solve the problem. The gases still remain and escape elsewhere. The atmosphere is damaged in one way or another. I came up with the idea of ​​turning off the gene that is responsible for intestinal gas. I don't understand much about genetics, but we all know that genes are things in cells that turn on and off features in the body. Why don't we just turn off ...

- Yes, this is a really good reinvention. With the current decision to do sedentary work, it becomes uncomfortable for a long time. The next question is how much time, in percentage terms, did you spend on managerial tasks, and how much on engineering tasks?

- 80 percent for engineering 20 for managerial.

- We look forward to finding someone with managerial experience for this position, since here you can count on the prospects for vertical growth. Are you more interested in vertical or horizontal growth?

- Vertical is somehow closer to me. I'll work with elevators.

- What does the elevator have to do with it?

- Although I will not give up the horizontal one either. You have travolators.

- I didn't quite understand the answer. Can you repeat it?

- Vertical.

- We expect that if you show yourself well, over time you will be able to be responsible not only for the equipment in all elevator shafts of our skyscrapers, but also for the shafts of the launchers. Is it interesting for you?

- Yes, it really sounds like a pretty strong vertical growth.

- Are you engaged in self-education in your field?

- Yes.

- What literature did you read over the past year, or maybe you took some online courses?

- My handbook "Hydraulic elevators" by Arkhangelsk. Confirmed the 4th category of electrical safety.

- Well. Let's continue. Whose Crimea?

- Crimeans.

- How many slogans and slogans for corporate divisions have you come up with in your career? About. Not necessary only for your unit.

- Well, probably 10 pieces.

- Can you remember the most successful one?

- Higher faster stronger!

- A good slogan for the elevator maintenance team.

- No, I came up with this for the team to maintain the stairs between floors. There is a kind of sports reference in this. Going to the 135th floor is quite a sport, I think.

- Yes, I remember in my childhood there were some competitions with a similar slogan. The French seem to have come up with it. But we got distracted. I will now give you a link to the IQ test. Before that, we need you to give us access to your fitness bracelet and microphone. During its passage, we will record all the sounds in your room, heart rate and hand placement. Let me remind you that your hands should only be on the keyboard until the end of the test.

- I'm ready.

1250 questions later.

- Thank you for your time. We will contact you with further steps. If successful, you will need to collect feedback on your work from all previous places recorded in your personal account on State Services.

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