Give free literature! Or how I fought with the policy of the university

Good day, Khabrovites! This is my first post on the forum, so please do not judge strictly.

Briefly about me: student, fond of electronics, microcontrollers, and programming. However, my specialty is in no way related to It. I'm done, let's get to the point.

 As befits any technical university - ours has a bunch of Internet resources that the university is overly proud of. However, there is a downside to the coin - the quality of these services. Namely, if we talk about the electronic library, which will be discussed in this article, then it completely lacks the ability to download the pdf version of the manual you need, more precisely, it is, but you will have to pay a lot of days for this. The money is far from small (if we talk specifically about the price for university manuals). If this format does not suit you, then you can use the online library.

The online library has a book viewer through which you can read literature.

The viewer is designed as inconveniently as possible: for a long time the transition to a certain page of the book did not work, and a book of 700 pages had to be flipped through the page, which turned into hellish torment. But the worst thing about this site is that every 20 minutes it asks to log in with a new one ...

And now imagine the picture: a person is trying to prepare for a test on quantum mechanics according to the teacher's manuals, 700 pages in volume, where the necessary material is 500 pages, and can turn over 5 pages per minute, and every 20 minutes, his attempts have to be resumed. ... In general , tin .... And after another unsuccessful attempt to read the necessary chapter, I decided that the time had come to put an end to this arbitrariness.

, , . :

“http://www.< >/plugins/< >/getDoc.php?Id=<id >&page=< >


  1. id ( )

  2. for ,

  3. pdf

, . , , .

: java selenium . user-friendly: IDEA, , . , , :

  • “CTRL”+”S”, “Enter”….

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, . 20, , , , , pdf….

, , . Delphi! , , , , . ( , ).

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Figure 1 - The main form of the application
1 -

, , . Wire Shark , POST . : .

: , – , . , WireShark : %D0% FF %D0% FF %D1% FF

. , “FF” , %D0%


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, , , , , , %D0%


. , . ? , , , ACII :

82 () A0 () E1 () A8 () AB () A8 () A9 ()


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, …. , ! , , , 1. ! .

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1, 6. ! , %D1%

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 for i := 1 to length(password) do
    temp := Ord(password[i]);		   				 //   HEX 
    if (temp < 1088) or (temp > 1103) then //   E0  EF
        begin			                				 //   ,  %D0%
	pasBytes[i] := '%D0%' + IntToHex(((temp) - 896), 2); // + 128 - 1024  
   newPassword := newPassword + pasBytes[i];
		begin				   												// %D1%
	pasBytes[i] := '%D1%' + IntToHex(((temp) - 960), 2); // +64 -1024  
                   newPassword := newPassword + pasBytes[i];
//1024   ,   Delphi   ASCII    #400
// -   


, , :

%D0% 72 %D0% 90 %D1% 61 %D0% 98 %D0% 9B %D0% 98 %D0% 99


, , . Get , , , ID, . . , , “Download”, Get , . , Synapse PDF .

. , .

In general, that's all. If anyone needs it, I can post the source code on Github and post a link in the comments. I also wanted to hear your opinion on my "decryption". Thank you all, see you soon on the Internet.

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