Business Intelligence in Risk Management: Some Recent Advances (2014)

At one of the intensives on BI-analytics from the coach I heard the statement: "BI-analytics creates value for the enterprise, but it is impossible to determine the value of the monetary equivalent of this value."

I did not agree with this statement because, in my opinion, management creates a system of business analytics metrics in order to see the vectors of enterprise development and hidden problems that lead to a decrease in the bottom line. And if it is difficult to concretize the development vector with the help of metrics, then crisis phenomena are identified quite reliably, with a qualitative study of historical data. That is, the explicit function of the metrics space is manifested, showing the zones that an enterprise should preferably not fall into and the business metrics system is a risk management tool. At the moment, the technologies for monetizing risk management measures are well-tuned. Also, the resource "Reports and Data" predicts the volume of the risk analysis market by 2026 in the amount of USD 65 billion.

, , The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology . , , -  - .

«The 19 Best Risk Management Software of 2021».

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Business intelligence in risk management: Some recent progresses (2014 )

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. . , , . . , . , , , . . , , (57). , , (50, 14). , (37).

(54). , (13). , , (45). . , Jorion (26) : - , - - . , Olson and Wu (45).

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. Krstevska (30) . . Flores (15) . Castell and Dacuycuy (9) . Hua (23) , . Xie et al. (61) .


- , , , . Schneidewind (51) , . Jin and Zhang (25) , , , - . , (62), 2008 . , Groth Muntermann (20), , . (12) .


1970- (28,56) Warenski (58) , - . Otim et al. (46) , . , . Kozhikode and Li (29) , . , (44), . Silvestri et al. (53) . Lakemond et al. (32) , .


Nash (42), .   . Zhao and Jianq (63) , . Merrick and Parnell (39) - , . . Lin et al. (35) -, , . Gnyawali and Park (19) .


- . Gurny Tichy (21) . Chen et al. (11) , Six Sigma DMAIC .

 Wu and Olson (60) , . Caracota et al.  (8) , . Poon (48) (Freddie Mac Fannie Mae), , .

3.6. Data mining

Data mining . Shiri et al. (52) , , . Jans et al. (24) , , , . Holton (22) , . Nateghi et al. (43) data mining , , . Ghadge et al. (17) . . (5, 41)

3.7. -

, , . Smeureanu et al. (55) -. Giannakis and Louis (18) , , , . , . Caporale et al. (7) , . , Chang Lee et al. (10) Kumar et al. (31) . , . Mizgier et al. (40) - , - .


. (4) . , . . Ahmadi and Kumar (1) , - . Buurman et al. (6) , , . Popovic et al. (49) , .

3.9. data mining

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« ERP FCM», Cristina Lopez and Jose Salmeron, (ERP). , (FCM) ERP. FCM . , . ERP , . , FCMS . , - ERP . - ERP.

Hybrid Kansei-SOM Model using Risk Management and Company Assessment for Stock Trading, Hai Pham, Eric Cooper, Thang Cao Katsuari Kamei, Kansei, . , . Kansei , . Kansei . Kansei SOM , , .

HOSE, HNX (), NYSE NASDAQ (). , Kansei . , , , .

« : - », Nan Feng, Harry Jiannan Wang, and Minqiang Li, - , . (BN) - . , . SRAM BN . SRAM .

«Calibration of the Agent-based Continuous Double Auction Stock Market Scaling Analysis», Yuelei Li, Wei Zhang, Yongjie Zhang, Xiaotao Zhang, and Xiong, (CDA) . Pasquini and Serva. (47) CDA, , , . , , , , .


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, Patrick Paulson, Karl Leung, Colin Johnson, Daniel Zeng, Guo H. Huang, Chuen-Min Huang, Ching Huei Huang, Xiaoding Wang, Chichen Wang, Guixiang Wang, Cheng Wang, Magnus Johnsson, Guangquan Zhang, Futai Zhang, and David Mercie.

W. Pedrycz, P. P. Wang . NSC 101-2410-H-004-010-MY2.


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