The Moscow Polymetal Plant (MZP) is located on the right bank of the Moscow River, on a 150-meter-high hill with steep slopes, cliffs and ravines.
The history of the MZP enterprise tells that MZP first polluted the environment with highly toxic chemical waste: As (arsenic), Sr (antimony), Mn (manganese), Cr (chromium), Zn (zinc), Th (thorium), U (uranium ), since 1947 MZP became part of the nuclear industry), a research laboratory was created.
Thorium or radium concentrate, obtained after processing rare earth elements (REE) or uranium ore, was sent for further chemical (alkaline or acidic) processing at the enterprise. The separation of thorium is extremely difficult, since monazite contains elements similar in properties to thorium - rare earth metals, uranium. Experience in working with highly toxic chemical elements and a research laboratory allowed MZP to engage not only in the processing of ores, but also in the production of alloys based on thorium and radium, where arsenic, antimony, zinc, etc. were used as chemical elements. The need for metal alloys containing K40 , Cs137, Ra226, Th232, U234, U235, U238 was determined by the technology of use in the nuclear industry. Liquid industrial waste containing salts of heavy metals and chemical acids,sent to a settling tank, and then dumped into the Moscow River.
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