Roskomnadzor vs Beeline: the chickens are dead, send a new telescope

Last year, Beeline began to require to enter the subscriber's "Personal Account" to accept the "offer" and agree to receive advertising spam from striped and his "partners", and in case of disagreement - to go to Megafon or MTS to the nearest farm to catch butterflies ...

The idea of โ€‹โ€‹a safari on Lepidoptera seemed so original to me that I invited Rosnepotrebnadzor, FAS and Roskomnadzor to join the adventures, suggesting on the way to discuss whether beekeepers had eaten too much fish soup, demandingfrom subscribers consent to spam? The first two instances considered that not too much: you did not accept the offer, dear subscriber, so your rights were not violated, play the young entomologist without us. And supervision, prevention, warning - leave to those who believe in Santa Claus.

But Roskomnadzor became interested in a new type of active recreation, asked the Beeline tour operator for brochures, drew up an administrative protocol on it for not being immediately sent, and then sent a demand to bring its activities in accordance with current legislation . I haven't seen the text itself, but I suppose that it was not necessary to correct spelling errors in the "offer".

A month passed, "Beeline" fulfilled the requirement and posted a new "offer". It was:

2.8. I agree to the Operator to process <...> and transfer the specified information or the results of their processing, including probabilistic ones, to the partners of the Operator (hereinafter referred to as "Partners") in order to provide goods / works / services of the Operator or Partners .

I also agree to send me messages of an advertising and / or informational nature <โ€ฆ> as well as the organization by the Operator of a communication channel between the Partners and me using the phone numbers of which I am a user.


2.8. , :


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We were in a hurry to fulfill the requirement of Roskomnadzor, hence the โ€œpartners of the Operator and partners of the Operatorโ€, hands were shaking, I understand, but I don't see the difference.

It seems that one administrative protocol is not enough striped, asked Roskomnadzor to respect the beekeepers with a second check, which is fraught with drawing up a protocol on non-compliance with the requirements of the supervisory authority.

Why Beeline fights so hard for clause 2.8 of the "offer" that it even runs the risk of causing the regulator's fire on itself, I suppose, it is obvious (spoiler: to send spam to subscribers unrestrictedly and sell their "advertising profiles" to their "partners"). It is not obvious how far he is willing to go to achieve this goal, although for me - obviously, I am telling you.

Once I needed a contract with "Beeline", my copy of which I considered an irretrievably lost army method. I went to the service office, showed my passport, asked for a copy, a minute later they gave it to me - everything is simple, fast and free of charge, i.e. for nothing. However, upon closer examination, it turned out that instead of a copy, I was given a fake certificate of mental clouding at the conclusion of the contract and an attack of amnesia. I rummaged through all the mezzanines and still found my copy of the contract, compare for yourself:

If you believe the counterfeit copy , at the conclusion of the contract I gave my consent "to receive advertising information", and if the original - with the ink signatures of both parties and the wax seal of Vympel-Communications OJSC - was at that time in my right mind and still am in a sober memory that clearly fixed: I did not give such consent.

It seems that the big-eyed and sane, who cross out the default consent to receive spam when concluding an agreement, is becoming more and more, and the striped ones have come up with a cunning trick: access to the "Personal Account" - only in exchange for anal slavery, giving up their rights. Is there a connection? There is! And to keep track of which subscriptions and services "you connected yourself" - the subscriber does not have to ...

How do you sigh and agree with such "offers", or defend your rights?

PS: what does the chickens and the telescope have to do with it?

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