Hello, Habr!
The first major update to GoLand 2021.1 has been released. As usual, we'll tell you about what's new in the release and show you how to use the new functionality.
In short, you can now:
build and run programs on a remote environment: Docker, SSH and WSL 2;
Go 1.16 (, //go:embed);
, , !
, , JavaScript TypeScript, DataGrip WebStorm (, ). , GoLand – , IDE Go.
, . What's New in GoLand 2021.1 .
Run Targets
— Docker, SSH WSL2 IDE.
: Run | Edit Configurations. , Run on , .
, ( .). !
Go 1.16
Go 1.16: string (), []byte ( ), embed.FS .
GoLand , embed , Rename, Find usages ( ), . , GoLand , .
GoLand testing.T Fatal , .
t.Fatal ( ) , t.Error (return).
Go 1.16 go vet asn1.Unmarshal , , ( ), nil.
GoLand 2021.1 .
JSON, GoLand 2021.1 . :)
JSON , Alt+Enter, Generate type from JSON. GoLand Generate Go type from the JSON JSON. , Generate . JSON .
, JSON . Generate struct fields from JSON, Alt+Enter Generate.
JSON- Generate Go type from JSON, GoLand .
Alt+Enter Add key to tags , GoLand . , Alt+Enter Change field name style in tags. : fieldName, FieldName, field-name field_name.
Update key value in tags. Alt+Enter , GoLand .
GoLand JSON Lines, . . IDE .jsonl, .jslines, .ldjson .ndjson.
. JSON- . , .
Go “ , ”. , IDE , Unhandled Error . , , :
Handle error if error != nil.
Wrap error handling in a closure, defer go, , Handle error, (closure).
Ignore explicitly defer go. .
. .
Create Type
Create Type , , , .
set get
get set . , GoLand 2021.1 c .
Alt+Enter Generate getter and setters . GoLand Select Fields, get set - .
, Go, , :)
Extract Type
Extract Type . , Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T Windows Ctrl+T macOS.
Rename (go.mod)
, . , Rename go.mod . .
Rename Shift+F6 Windows/Linux ⇧F6 macOS. GoLand Rename, , , . Refactoring Preview . , .
.varCheckError , . IDE , if error != nil .
, goimports -local.
, Preferences/Settings | Editor | Code Style | Go | Imports . , .
Code With Me, , EAP GoLand , .
, .
, , GoLand.
, Code With Me .
GoLand 2021.1 sudo . GoLand , , . Preferences/Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Process Elevation .
, , GoLand .
(ML). .
Mark position changes in the completion popup Preferences/Settings | Editor | General | Code Completion, , ML, / .
Configuration, IDE, . , , , IDE.
Windows ''
GoLand Windows, .
Preferences/Settings | Editor | Font.
HTML-. , HTML-, CSS JavaScript-, , .
, GoLand .
? , , . , .
Makefile Language
Makefile Language GNU Make IDE. GoLand 2021.1 : , , Find Usages, .
, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, GoLand , .