Writing unit tests in TypeScript (by the example of cats)

How do I write unit tests in a TypeScript project? In this article I will try to answer this question and also show you how to create a unit testing environment for projects using TypeScript.

What are unit tests?

Unit tests - Tests applied across different layers of an application that test the smallest divisible logic in an application: for example, a module, class, or method.

, , , () .

. , . . , , . .

. :

| node_modules
| src
| package.json
| tsconfig.json




export class Cat {
  public name: string;
  public color: string;

  constructor(name: string, color: string) {
    this.name = name;
    this.color = color;

  public move(distanceMeter: number) : string {
    return `${this.name} moved ${distanceMeter}m.`;

  public say() : string {
    return `Cat ${this.name} says meow`;

, . (SUT - system under test).

, test, .

npm :

npm install --save-dev ts-node mocha @testdeck/mocha nyc chai @types/chai



- TypeScript REPL node.js.


- , , . . @testdeck/mocha

- testdeck , .


- CLI Istanbul, .


- (assertions), . . @types/chai


, test

, tsconfig.json

, TS .

  "extends": "../tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": "./",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "strictPropertyInitialization": false,
    "isolatedModules": false,
    "strict": false,
    "noImplicitAny": false,
    "typeRoots" : [
  "exclude": [
  "include": [

include test .ts

, register.js

ts-node, .

const tsNode = require('ts-node');
const testTSConfig = require('./test/tsconfig.json');

  files: true,
  transpileOnly: true,
  project: './test/tsconfig.json'

, .mocharc.json

, :

  "require": "./register.js",
  "reporter": "list"



  "extends": "@istanbuljs/nyc-config-typescript",
  "include": [
  "exclude": [
  "extension": [
  "reporter": [
  "report-dir": "./coverage"

, :

| node_modules
| src
| test
| --- tsconfig.json
| .mocharc.json
| .nyrc.json
| package.json
| register.js
| tsconfig.json


"test": "nyc ./node_modules/.bin/_mocha 'test/**/*.test.ts'"





import { Cat } from '../src/cat.module';
import { suite, test } from '@testdeck/mocha';
import * as _chai from 'chai';
import { expect } from 'chai';


@suite class CatModuleTest {
  private SUT: Cat;
  private name: string;
  private color: string;

  before() {
    this.name = 'Tom';
    this.color = 'black';
    this.SUT = new Cat(this.name, this.color);

Cat cat.module.ts

, , .

before Cat, .

, .

import { Cat } from '../src/cat.module';
import { suite, test } from '@testdeck/mocha';
import * as _chai from 'chai';
import { expect } from 'chai';


@suite class CatModuleTest {
  private SUT: Cat;
  private name: string;
  private color: string;

  before() {
    this.name = 'Tom';
    this.color = 'black';
    this.SUT = new Cat(this.name, this.color);

  @test 'Cat is created' () {

npm test :

As you can see, our coverage is not complete, lines 11-15 remained untested. These are just the methods of the Cat class move


We add two more tests for these methods and we end up with such a file with tests:

import { Cat } from '../src/cat.module';
import { suite, test } from '@testdeck/mocha';
import * as _chai from 'chai';
import { expect } from 'chai';


@suite class CatModuleTest {
  private SUT: Cat;
  private name: string;
  private color: string;

  before() {
    this.name = 'Tom';
    this.color = 'black';
    this.SUT = new Cat(this.name, this.color);

  @test 'Cat is created' () {

  @test 'Cat move 10m' () {
    let catMove = this.SUT.move(10);
    expect(catMove).to.be.equal('Tom moved 10m.');

  @test 'Cat say meow' () {
    expect(this.SUT.say()).to.be.equal('Cat Tom says meow');

Run our tests again and see that the Cat class now has full test coverage.


As a result, we have created a test infrastructure for our application and now we can cover any new module or class with tests, checking that the existing code has not broken.

PS: Based on the article How setting up unit test with TypeScript .

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