Tracking component state in Angular using ng-set-state

In the previous article (" Angular Components with Extracted Immutable State ") I showed why changing the fields of components without any restrictions is not always good, and also presented a library that allows you to order changes in the state of components.

Since then, I've changed the concept a bit and made it easier to use. This time I'll focus on a simple (at first glance) example of how it can be used in scripts that would normally require rxJS.

Main idea

, :

, - ( ) , , :

, , , . , 3- , 2- , :

, , . , , Angular :

( stackblitz):


  selector: 'app-simple-greeting-form',
  templateUrl: './simple-greeting-form.component.html'
export class SimpleGreetingFormComponent {
  userName: string;
  greeting:  string;


<div class="form-root">  
  <h1>Greeting Form</h1>
  <label for="ni">Name</label><br />
  <input [(ngModel)]="userName" id="ni" />

, greeting userName, :

  1. greeting , (change detection);

  2. userName , greeting;

  3. ngModelChange, ;

, - (greeting, «greeting counter») greeting (, greeting = f (userName, template)

), , :

export class SimpleGreetingFormComponent {
  userName: string;
  greeting:  string;

  public static greet(state: ComponentState<SimpleGreetingFormComponent>)
    : ComponentStateDiff<SimpleGreetingFormComponent>
    const userName = state.userName === "" 
      ? "'Anonymous'" 
      : state.userName;

    return {
      greeting: `Hello, ${userName}!`

@StateTracking initializeStateTracking ( Angular):

export class SimpleGreetingFormComponent {
  userName: string;
  greeting:  string;

@StateTracking ( initializeStateTracking) , , , .


  public static greet(state: ComponentState<SimpleGreetingFormComponent>)
    : ComponentStateDiff<SimpleGreetingFormComponent>

, , , . , .

, .

, «» :

public static greet(
  state: ComponentState<SimpleGreetingFormComponent>,
  previous: ComponentState<SimpleGreetingFormComponent>,
  diff: ComponentStateDiff<SimpleGreetingFormComponent>
: ComponentStateDiff<SimpleGreetingFormComponent>

ComponentState ComponentStateDiff — (Typescript mapped types), (event emitters). ComponentState “ ” ( (immutable)), ComponentStateDiff , .


type State = ComponentState<SimpleGreetingFormComponent>;
type NewState = ComponentStateDiff<SimpleGreetingFormComponent>;
  public static greet(state: State): NewState

@With , (!) . Typescript , ( «» (pure)).

. , :

  onStateApplied: (c,s,p)=> c.onStateApplied(s,p)
export class SimpleGreetingFormComponent {
  userName: string;

  greeting:  string;

  private onStateApplied(current: State, previous: State){
    console.log(`${JSON.stringify(previous)} =>`)

  public static greet(state: State): NewState

onStateApplied — “-” (hook), , - , :

{} =>
{"userName":"B","greeting":"Hello, B!"}

{"userName":"B","greeting":"Hello, B!"} =>
{"userName":"Bo","greeting":"Hello, Bo!"}

{"userName":"Bo","greeting":"Hello, Bo!"} =>
{"userName":"Bob","greeting":"Hello, Bob!"}

, , , . , , Debounce @With:

public static greet(state: State): NewState

3 :

{} =>

{"userName":"B"} =>

{"userName":"Bo"} =>

{"userName":"Bob"} =>
{"userName":"Bob","greeting":"Hello, Bob!"}

, :

export class SimpleGreetingFormComponent {
  userName: string;
  greeting:  string;
  isThinking:  boolean = false;


  public static onNameChanged(state: State): NewState{
      isThinking: true

  public static greet(state: State): NewState
    const userName = state.userName === "" 
      ? "'Anonymous'" 
      : state.userName;

    return {
      greeting: `Hello, ${userName}!`,
      isThinking: false

<h1 *ngIf="!isThinking">{{greeting}}</h1>
<h1 *ngIf="isThinking">Thinking...</h1>

, , - , 3 , greeting , , “Thinking…” , . , @Emitter() userName:

userName: string;

, , , .

- "", userName null, :

public static onNameChanged(state: State): NewState{
  if(state.userName == null){
    return null;

    isThinking: true

public static greet(state: State): NewState
  if(state.userName == null){
    return null;
  const userName = state.userName === "" 
    ? "'Anonymous'" 
    : state.userName;

  return {
    greeting: `Hello, ${userName}!`,
    isThinking: false,
    userName: null

, . , [Enter] ((keydown.enter) = "onEnter ()"

), :

userName: string | null;
immediateUserName: string | null;

  this.immediateUserName = this.userName;
public static onNameChanged(state: State): NewState{

public static greet(state: State): NewState {

public static onImmediateUserName(state: State): NewState{
  if(state.immediateUserName == null){
    return null;

  const userName = state.immediateUserName === "" 
    ? "'Anonymous'" 
    : state.immediateUserName;

  return {
    greeting: `Hello, ${userName}!!!`,
    isThinking: false,
    userName: null,
    immediateUserName: null

, , [Enter] - - :

<h1 *ngIf="isThinking">Thinking ({{countdown}} sec)...</h1>

countdown: number = 0;
public static onNameChanged(state: State): NewState{
  if(state.userName == null){
    return null;

    isThinking: true,
    countdown: 3
public static countdownTick(state: State): NewState{
  if(state.countdown <= 0) {
    return null

  return {countdown: state.countdown-1};


, . , [Enter], 3 - , . , isThinking:

static reset(state: State): NewState{
      userName: null,
      immediateUserName: null,
      countdown: 0
  return null;

(Change Detection)

, , Angular, - Default. , - OnPush, , .

, , , , , , - :

constructor(readonly changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef){
private onStateApplied(current: State, previous: State){

OnPush (Change Detection Strategy).

(Output Properties)

(Event emitters) , . Change :

greeting:  string;

greetingChange = new EventEmitter<string>();

, (, *ngIf), , , . , . , !



export class GreetingService implements IGreetingServiceForm {
  userName: string | null = null;
  immediateUserName: string | null = null;
  greeting:  string = null;
  isThinking:  boolean = false;
  countdown: number = 0;

  static onNameChanged(state: State): NewState{
  static greet(state: State): NewState
  static onImmediateUserName(state: State): NewState{
  static countdownTick(state: State): NewState{
  static reset(state: State): NewState{


includeAllPredefinedFields , ( null) .

, :

  1. dependency injection;

  2. ;

  3. , ;

  4. - , - OnPush.


  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class ComplexGreetingFormComponent 
  implements OnDestroy, IGreetingServiceForm {

  private _subscription: ISharedStateChangeSubscription;

  userName: string | null;

  immediateUserName: string | null;

  greeting:  string;

  isThinking:  boolean = false;

  countdown: number = 0;

  constructor(greetingService: GreetingService, cd: ChangeDetectorRef) {
    const handler = initializeStateTracking<ComplexGreetingFormComponent>(this,{
      sharedStateTracker: greetingService,
      onStateApplied: ()=>cd.detectChanges()
    this._subscription = handler.subscribeSharedStateChange();


  public onEnter(){
    this.immediateUserName = this.userName;

initializeStateTracking ( @StateTracking(), ), .

(_subscription: ISharedStateChangeSubscription

) onStateApplied , () . Default , .

, . handler.release() releaseStateTracking(this), , , .

, .

, :

export type LogItem = {
  id: number | null
  greeting: string,
  status: LogItemState,

export class GreetingLogService implements IGreetingServiceLog, IGreetingServiceOutput {

  greeting:  string;

  log: LogItem[] = [];

  logVersion: number = 0;

  identity: number = 0;

  pendingCount: number = 0;

  savingCount: number = 0;


  constructor(greetingService: GreetingService){
    const handler = initializeStateTracking(this,{
      sharedStateTracker: greetingService, 
      includeAllPredefinedFields: true});


greeting, log. logVersion , , :

static onNewGreeting(state: State): NewState{
    state.log.push({id: null, greeting: state.greeting, status: "pending"});

    return {logVersion: state.logVersion+1};

" ", , :

static checkStatus(state: State): NewState{

  let pendingCount = state.pendingCount;

  for(const item of state.log){
    if(item.status === "pending"){
    else if(item.status === "saving"){

  return {pendingCount, savingCount};

static initSave(state: State): NewState{

  if(state.pendingCount< 1){
    return null;

  for(const item of state.log){
    if(item.status === "pending"){
      item.status = "saving";

  return {logVersion: state.logVersion+1};

, , “ ”:

  static async save(getState: ()=>State): Promise<NewState>{
      const initialState = getState();

      if(initialState.savingCount < 1){
        return null;

      const savingBatch = initialState.log.filter(i=>i.status === "saving");

      await delayMs(2000);//Simulates sending data to server 

      const stateAfterSave = getState();

      let identity = stateAfterSave.identity;

        l.status = "saved", = ++identity

      return {
        logVersion: stateAfterSave.logVersion+1,
        identity: identity

, :

  1. WithAsync With;

  2. ( OnConcurrentLaunchPutAfter);

  3. , .

In the same way, we can implement deleting and restoring greetings, but I will skip this part, since there is nothing new in it. As a result, our form will look like this:

We just looked at a sample user interface with relatively complex asynchronous behavior. However, it turns out that implementing this behavior is not that difficult using the concept of a series of immutable states. At least it can be considered as an alternative to RxJs.

  1. Stackblitz article code

  2. Link to previous article: Angular Components with Extracted Immutable State

  3. Link not source code ng-set-state

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