Who lives well in Russia? (comfortable / safe in the climatic sense)

Few answers to the question "In what parts of Russia is climate change most dangerous?"

From the authors "not all cities are equally comfortable."

After the publication of the news about the article, in which we examined the tendencies of changes in thermal comfort in the summer for Russian cities, many questions came from the category: "what for winter?", "Why only for large cities?", "But in general for Russia, how are you? " and others.

Where is it safer to live in winter? And where in the summer?

The most interesting thing is that we already answered them with the same warm company with co-authors last year - in an article for Weather, Climate and Society - Varentsov, M., Shartova, N., Grischenko, M., and Konstantinov, P. ( 2020). Spatial Patterns of Human Thermal Comfort Conditions in Russia: Present Climate and Trends. Weather, Climate, and Society 12, 3, 629-642

(the link will be below).

So, once again: we assess the impact of climate on the health and comfort of the population of people using special biomedical models. We will tell you more about them in the near future on the N + 1 pages (this is a rather extensive topic, but we promise a lot of pictures). With their help, it is possible to evaluate both the effect of heat on the cardiovascular system and frost on the level of "cold stress" in the human body.

That is, is the climate particularly dangerous for health, and if so, how much? Indeed, in view of global warming, in order to take into account the adaptation possibilities of a specific territory in Russia, this is not only fundamental knowledge, but also very useful for "decision-makers" and so on. Well, you get the idea.

So that's it. We estimated these conditions in general for the period 1981-2010, and estimated trends for thermal / cold comfort for 1979-2018.

And it turned out very interesting: for example, we found that the most uncomfortable areas are not the ones in which it is coldest in winter. While the lowest winter temperatures were recorded in Yakutia, the most dangerous UTCI (extreme cold stress) index values

observed on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, where low temperatures are usually combined with strong winds.

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Why? But because it is still very cold for our body with you.

But in the European part of Russia, especially

in the north-west of the country, winters have become much safer on the contrary! True, the summer did not remain in debt either. But, for example, the Kola Peninsula has really become more comfortable than it was before. South of the Far East and Siberia - on the contrary.

In general, you can look at all these maps and try them on in your region at .

For those who do not have access - there is a link to RG .

PS About how the situation will change by the middle of the XXI century for certain territories of the Russian Federation, we plan to answer this year.

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