How to structure your code

Hey! This Saturday the PHP-chat of Nizhny Novgorod will hold its fourth meetup with an interactive broadcast. The reports will be prepared by Valentin Udaltsov from Moscow and Denis Yuriev from Novosibirsk - those who come in person will be able to chat with them at the afterparty in the city center, those who will watch online - ask questions in text or voice directly from the browser.

You can sign up for a meetup here , put a bell under the broadcast - here , and below you will find a short interview with speakers about what was not included in their speeches.

Denis Yuriev (team lead at Skysmart from Skyeng) - will tell you how to pack a product into a variable

What is your report about?

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Skyeng โ€” , , , โ€” , : ยซ ยป. , โ€” . .

, , ยซยป Symfony โ€” . 

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, Unity, ECS โ€“ PHP , . ( , - ..), , , -. 

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โ€“ , ยซ ยป. โ€“ , .


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( Happy Inc., ยซยป) โ€” , ,


package-by-type, package-by-layer, package-by-feature Agile . Symfony, PHP, .

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โ€” SOLID Package Principles. โ€” .

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: - , , โ€” . 


, , ยซยป.

p.s. - . .

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