How to make a CRM sales management system as reliable and simple as a Kalashnikov assault rifle

Several years ago I had a business of placing indoor advertising on light panels in shopping malls. Once, we signed a contract with a large federal client and solved the problem of scaling the address program for him. It was necessary to connect 100+ shopping centers in 10+ cities in a month, agree on the placement of advertising inventory, mount everything, print and install advertising creatives. There was no time for buildup, hiring and training personnel, introducing management systems and other organizational measures. It was necessary to start in two days. Then the CRM system appeared, which we implemented in 5 hours, trained the outsourcing employees to use it and closed the business task on time.

Today, when working with startups, project and product teams in corporations, I often see situations when you need to quickly launch sales. And to do this, implement a system that will help manage salespeople, customer relationships, and other internal and external parties to transactions. Such tasks appear, for example, at the time of launching new products, when testing growth hypotheses or introducing an existing business into new markets and customer segments. Moreover, the company, of course, already has a centralized CRM system. Licenses have been purchased for all users, the implementation is complete, and it is even possible to make changes and implement new functions. To do this, you need to formulate a technical task, indicate which features will be needed, describe the requirements, agree on them and, in order of priority and priority, implement the changes. But what to do,if there is no time for all this, but you need to work with clients already tomorrow? And there is no one hundred percent certainty that the business in the tested market niche will β€œtake off”, the hypotheses will be confirmed, and the new product will really start to be bought. 

Often, ticket systems and shareware unpretentious CRMs come to the rescue, which can be quickly found on the Internet, installed and started using. Despite their simplicity, they have several common disadvantages, such as user onboarding and non-zero switching costs. It is necessary to train all participants in the process to use these systems, set up general access, and ensure the setting, implementation and control of corporate tasks. That is, to force people to switch from their current processes to new ones. Implementing any changes in large companies is often not an easy task and takes a lot of time. The system always resists change. In addition, the following questions are rightly raised:What happens if the hypotheses being tested are disproved and the product is not bought? Does everyone switch back to old processes again? Why then waste time implementing changes now?

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Here is a link to a spreadsheet template with fill examples:

Based on the described logic and tools, you can customize the appropriate colors, steps and actions in the deal in half an hour, show a table and train employees in an hour, and have a working CRM sales management system in the evening.

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