Hunt Ladder / Awareness Ladder

What is it?

The Hunt ladder (awareness ladder) is a model that describes the client's path according to the  levels of awareness of the solution to his problem .

Step 0.  I am not aware of the problem.

Step 1. I  understand the problem, but I don't know the solution.

Step 2.  I know the solutions, but I don’t know your product.

Step 3.  I know your product, but I do not know its advantages over competitors.

Step 4.  I know its benefits, but I am not yet convinced that your product will solve the problem.

Step 5.  I am convinced that your product will solve the problem and I am ready to buy.

Drawing from the book “Convert! Designing Web Sites to Increase Traffic and Conversion, Ben Hunt

For reference: The model was created by Ben Hunt as a development of the idea of ​​Eugene Schwartz (he invented the Awareness Ladder). The development essentially consists in adding step 4 (it turned out the Hunt Ladder).

How is it useful?

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Perhaps the general argument that the Hunt ladder is bulging is not yet convincing. We need a substantive conversation about a web studio or Vasya Pupkin's course. Yes. But it will be effective to conduct this conversation, using those models that really help predict  what next argument the client is ready and wants to hear . It is then, in contrast, that the uselessness of the Hunt ladder becomes apparent.

But these cool motivation models are a different topic.

And what to do?

Wait to talk about ... Jobs To Be Done!

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