How climate warming in Russian cities affects our health?

Almost three years later, my colleagues and I were finally able to complete the epic with the publication of our, probably one of the first (in chronological order) works on trends in the impact of climate change on thermal comfort (in other words, on the sensations and health) of urban residents in Russia ...

After a long (and ultimately unsuccessful) struggle in Atmosphere, the work unexpectedly found shelter (but we hope it did not "rest" :)) in Geographica Pannonnica.

Why, nevertheless, is it important for us living in Russia (and I am writing about this on Habré, and not in a scientific report)? Yes, simply because in discussions about climate change, we often operate with several standard meteorological parameters (air temperature and precipitation in 90% of cases). That is, we say that the temperature is growing with such and such intensity (for example, RosHydromet writes in its last report that the average growth rate of the average annual air temperature in Russia in 1976-2019 was 0.47 ° C / 10 years).

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In the near future, we have to make such assessments throughout Russia for many modern physiological indices and a summary for all administrative centers (bioclimatic modeling is in full swing). But that's a slightly different story.

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