Logical programming in Prolog for dummies

Prolog is the most popular logic programming language
Prolog is the most popular logic programming language

In this article:

  1. We will learn what logical programming ( LP ) is, and its areas of application

  2. Install the most popular LP language - Prolog

  3. Learn to write simple programs in Prolog

  4. Learning Lists in Prolog

  5. Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of Prolog.

This article will be helpful for those who:

  1. Is interested in unusual approaches and broadens his horizons

  2. Begins to study Prolog (for example, at the institute)

, . , Prolog, . . .

. — !

. :

  • ( ). . , . : C/C++, Java, C#, Python, Golang, , . , . — .

  • (). , . : Haskell, F#, . . . — . , . .

  • — (). . : Prolog , Mercury. , . , , , " ", " ", " , , , ", " - , ".

    . , Prolog (PROgramming in LOGic). . . , - . , .


() : SWI Prolog, Visual Prolog, GNU Prolog. SWI Prolog.

Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S swi-prolog


sudo apt install swi-prolog

Prolog . SWI Prolog. swi-prolog, swipl:

[user@Raft ~]$ swipl
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.2.3)
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software.
Please run ?- license. for legal details.

For online help and background, visit https://www.swi-prolog.org
For built-in help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word).


! !


. . . 64 . . , . .

SWI Prolog website - installers of the latest stable version
SWI Prolog -
Do not touch the checkboxes
I am looking for SWI-Prolog through Windows search.  Running
SWI-Prolog Windows.
Hooray!  Now everything works on Windows
! Windows

Prolog. , ,

, :

  • (, )

  • (, , , )

  • (, , )

"predicate" " ".

: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

, . , . , : , , . . . . .. ? .

! . :

  1. , simple.pl (.pl — )

  2. SWI Prolog


study(mark, book).

. :

[user@Raft referat]$ swipl simple.pl 
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.2.3)
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software.
Please run ?- license. for legal details.

For online help and background, visit https://www.swi-prolog.org
For built-in help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word).


Windows notepad++ . SWI-Prolog consult.

We see that it has compiled the conditions.  I even wrote "1 clauses", that is, one fact
, . "1 clauses", .

? (, simple.pl) . : , SWI Prolog . . ( , "?- ". , , )

" ?" :

?- study(mark, book).


" study(mark, study) ?", "true." . , " ?"

?- study(mark, book).

?- study(mark, docs).


"false.". , .

. , .

%   .   11 .
%     ".",    ,   .
%    "%".
%     .


% . 11 
study(mark, book). %   
study(mark, studentbook). %   
study(mark, docs). %   

see(masha, mouse). %   
see(masha, book). %   
see(masha, notebook). %   
see(masha, mark). %   

study(misha, math). %   
study(misha, lp). %   
study(misha, docs). %   
study(misha, studentbook). %   

. (, ""). :

  1. . . . : 1,36, 0, -1, 123.4, 0.23E-5. — : a, abc, neOdinSimvol, sTROKa. , , . : ' , . Eto kirilicca'.

  2. . : X, Y, Z, Peremennaya, Var.

  3. ( ). , study(misha, lp).

  4. . : [X1], [Head|Tail]. .

    , . , .

. .

study(mark, book). — . . , . , .

" " . : ?- study(mark, book). , true, , false. , , .

. , mark. "study(mark, X)." "Enter",

?- study(mark, X).
X = book .

, ";".

?- study(mark, X).
X = book ;
X = studentbook ;
X = docs.

, .

?- study(Who, docs).
Who = mark ;
Who = misha.

, !

?- study(Who, Object).
Who = mark,
Object = book ;
Who = mark,
Object = studentbook ;
Who = mark,
Object = docs ;
Who = misha,
Object = math ;
Who = misha,
Object = lp ;
Who = misha,
Object = docs ;
Who = misha,
Object = studentbook.

Who Object, study(Who, Object) .

. old.pl

older(sasha, lesha). %   
older(misha, sasha). %   
older(misha, dasha). %   
older(masha, misha). %   

older(X,Y) :- older(X, Z), older(Z,Y).

% X  Y,  X  Z  Z  Y
% X, Y, Z -  .     ,
%     .
% :   ,        

older(X,Y) :- older(X, Z), older(Z,Y) — . . , , older(X,Z) older(Z,Y) . , "X Y, X Z Z Y"

"," "". : "0 < X, X < 5". X 5 0.

";" "". "X < 0; X > 5". X 0 5.

"not(- )" "". "not(X==5)". X 5.

, . ( )

, .

?- older(masha, X).
X = misha.

. . .. " ?". , , . . older(X,Y) :- older(X, Z), older(Z,Y).


?- older(masha, X).
X = misha ;
X = sasha ;
X = dasha ;
X = lesha ;
ERROR: Stack limit (1.0Gb) exceeded
ERROR:   Stack sizes: local: 1.0Gb, global: 21Kb, trail: 1Kb
ERROR:   Stack depth: 12,200,525, last-call: 0%, Choice points: 6
ERROR:   Probable infinite recursion (cycle):
ERROR:     [12,200,525] user:older(lesha, _5658)
ERROR:     [12,200,524] user:older(lesha, _5678)

. ? ! ! , ? , . — older(masha,X) , — . ?

. , , , . older(X, Y) older(X,Z), older ...

- . , "older(X, Z)" ? , older(X, Y) (, ).

, older(Z, Y), older(X, Y) —

, , . - , , .

, , — .

older(sasha, lesha, fact). %   
older(misha, sasha, fact). %   
older(misha, dasha, fact). %   
older(masha, misha, fact). %   

older(X,Y, rule) :- older(X, Z, fact), older(Z,Y, _).

% X  Y,  X  Z  Z  Y
% X, Y, Z -  .     , 
%     .
% :   ,        

"_" - . , , . , . .


?- older(masha, X, _).
X = misha ;
X = sasha ;
X = dasha ;
X = lesha ;


, : , ? ? study(mark, math) " "? " "?. . , "", "", "". -. , . .


factorial(1, 1).
factorial(N, F):-
	N1 is N-1,
	factorial(N1, F1),
  F is F1*N.

%   ,      ,  C/C++.
%      .

"is" , . N1 N-1. . "is" . , "is" "=".

. Enter, .

?- factorial(1,F).
F = 1 .

?- factorial(2,F).
F = 2 .

?- factorial(3,F).
F = 6 .

?- factorial(4,F).
F = 24 .

?- factorial(5,F).
F = 120 .

?- factorial(10,F).
F = 3628800 .

, , N 0. .

factorial(1, 1).
factorial(N, F):-
  N >= 0,
	N1 is N-1,
	factorial(N1, F1),
  F is F1*N.


  1. female(X), male(X) parent(X,Y).

  2. N .

  3. ( ) , .


— . . — , . (, ) . Prolog , .. . .

, .

C/C++, Python . — ; , , — . - .

: [],[a], [abc, bc], [' 1', ' 2', 1234], [X], [Head|Tail].

[Head|Tail]. , , , , . , "|".

[X1,X2,X3|Tail]. X1, X2, X3, Tail.

, . , , , , , . , , N G. , Elem List. . , - . ( ).

, .

% element(, )
element([Head|Tail], Element) :- Element = Head; element(Tail, Element). 

?- element([1,2,3,4,5,6, 'abc', 'prolog'], Elem).
Elem = 1 ;
Elem = 2 ;
Elem = 3 ;
Elem = 4 ;
Elem = 5 ;
Elem = 6 ;
Elem = abc ;
Elem = prolog ;

element([Head|Tail],Element) , Element Head ( ) element(Tail, Element) . - . ( : ? ?) , , Element [Head|Tail]. , .

. . .

% list_length(,  )
list_length([], 0).
list_length([H|T], L) :- list_length(T, L1), L is L1+1.

?- list_length([123446,232,2332,23], L).
L = 4.

?- list_length([123446,232,2332,23,sdfds,sdfsf,sdfa,asd], L).
L = 8.

?- list_length([], L).
L = 0.

?- list_length([1], L).
L = 1.

?- list_length([1,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2], L).
L = 9.


, H. , _, singleton .

SWI Prolog length. list_length. , . , .

, . , , .

, , . , 1, 2, 3 4 [1,2,3,4]. list_member.

mymember(Elem, [Elem|_]).
mymember(Elem, [_|Tail]) :- mymember(Elem, Tail).

, , . .


, ( ) . .

, :

  • . ,

  • .

, . :

. ,  — , , .

  1. .

  2. .

  3. .

  4. .

  5. .

  6. .

  7. .

  8. .

  9. .

  10. .

  11. , , .

  12. .

  13. .

  14. .

? ?

: 6 .

, .

. Prolog.

, : , .

Illustration for the problem

! ?


  1. (, Python)

. , O(n!). , , , "!". . , .

, , Python, C/C++, C#, Java, . , , , .

, . . . , — , , , .


, "" (, ). , .

( : . , . . , . . — . ?).

, . , , . , .

, !

  1. SWI Prolog

  2. Writing poetry using the Prologue

  3. And of course a link to Wikipedia

  4. Heard about Prologue?

  5. Examples of using Prolog

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