Detecting custom objects

You can download the code on the GitHub page ( link )

Welcome to the article on recognition. Since I spend most of my work time in an open space office space, where each place is numbered, I decided to tell you about computer vision using the example of a regular plate with a workplace number. Here we will retrain the neural network to detect the plate of our choice.

I am using python3.7 and the names of all versioned modules are stored in the requirements.txt file.



  • 500 , โ€” 100, 1000 , , 2.

  • / . 80%, - 20%.

  • TF .

  • . config ( , ).

  • .

  • .

  • .

TensorFlow , , 1000 . , , . , , - .

, ().

. , . LabelImg- , GitHub , .

LabelImg GitHub ()

LabelImg ()

LabelImg, GUI. โ€” dir , . create rectbox. , . , ! w, , ctrl+s, . 1 100 , , . , !

LabelImg xml-, . xml- TFRecords, TensorFlow. , , \test \train xml-.

, . , 20% XML- test, train.

, , TFRecords, TensorFlow.

-, image .xml csv-, . , : python

train_labels.csv test_labels.csv CSGO_images. cmd, .bat xml_to_csv.bat. . , . labelmap.pbtxt.

, ,

# TO-DO    label map
def class_text_to_int(row_label):
    if row_label == 'table':
        return 1
        return None

TFRecord, generate_tfrecord.bat.

train.record test.record training. .

, โ€” . , , . labelmap.pbtxt CSGO_training. . ,

item {
 id: 1
 name: 'table'

, . , . .

TensorFlow research\ object_detection\ samples\ configs faster_rcnn_ inception_v2_ coco.config CSGO_training. . .config , , . 10. num_classes , . :

num_classes : 1
 107.  fine_tune_checkpoint :
fine_tune_checkpoint : "faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28 / model.ckpt"
 122  124.   train_input_reader  input_path  label_map_path :
input_path: "CSGO_images / train. record"
label_map_path: "CSGO_training / labelmap.pbtxt"
 128.  num_examples   ,    CSGO_images\test.    113 ,     :
num_examples: 113
(   )
 136  138.   eval_input_reader  input_path  label_map_path :
input_path: "CSGO_images / test. record"
label_map_path: "CSGO_training / labelmap.pbtxt"

. ! . .

, train.bat.

. . 1.5 . , 0,05, ( , ). , . , , .


, , โ€” ( ). graph,   , โ€œXXXXโ€ โ€ model.ckpt-XXXX ยป .ckpt :

python --input_type image_tensor --pipeline_config_path CSGO_training/faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco.config --trained_checkpoint_prefix CSGO_training/model.ckpt-XXXX --output_directory CSGO_inference_graph

frozen_inference_graph.pb /coco_v3/ CSGO_inference_ graph. .pb . frozen_inference_graph.pb . coco_v3 39 .

PATH_TO_FROZEN_GRAPH = 'graph/frozen_inference_graph.pb'

41 labelmap.

PATH_TO_LABELS = 'graph/labelmap.pbtxt'

Finally, before running Python scripts, you need to change the NUM_CLASSES variable in the script to equal the number of classes we want to detect. I only use 1 class, so I changed it to 1:


In line 65, you need to set the picture on which the detection will take place.

After starting, you will see a window and a recognized plate.

That's all, thanks for your attention.

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