April 22 - new QIWI Server Party

Hey! We continue to host QIWI Server Party.

This time - April 22 (Thursday). We will discuss many useful things at once - product development and developer experience, sprints and engineering practices, PlantUML (yeah, yes) and payment gateway architecture, we will figure out how to resolve eternal conflicts between development and business.

And let's also play a little bit - is it worth asking candidates to write code during an interview? We will touch upon this topic in the format of a round table. By the way, we will gladly read well-reasoned opinions in the comments.

In general, it will be interesting. As always, admission is free, the main thing is to register in advance .

Program under the cut

Nikita nkhKhromushkin - Product development. Inside view

What is the difference between a backend programmer and a product developer, and what is the profit for the developer himself? Personal history

Lyosha Burylov - Kotlin. Solution of problems?

Kotlin: solving problems in Java or creating new ones? Is it marketable? What to do in order not to collect all the rakes?

Pasha Chernyak - plantuml: product developer tool

UML, seriously? What year is it? An old Fowler's textbook about the basics of the UML, student days and the clear smell of naphthalene comes to mind. Pasha will try to convince you and share his vision of how a developer can improve the communication between all parts of the business using PlantUML and achieve more in the same time.

Nikita Bolkunov and Sasha Demushkin - Security of kubernetes

Platform security made easy! How we thought it over for you. Keeping secrets right. 5 minutes about Vault and features that you most likely don't use. But they could!

Alexander Prokopiev - About developer experience

You have clearly come across poor quality tools and processes in your work. Sasha will tell you how to live with it and why it is important to think about it. Let's discuss the history of development of developer tools in QIWI.

Timofey Mindibaev - Conflict between business and development

How can a developer not lose in constant conflict with the business and not lose himself? How to turn such a conflict into a mutually beneficial partnership and become a cool engineer? Timofey will tell about all this.

And there will also be a round table, topics about the professional development of a developer, doubts and difficulties.

In general, come, we will be glad. Here is the registration link .

  • 18: 00-18: 30 - collection of guests and registration
  • 18: 30-19: 45 - speakers' speeches
  • 19: 45–20: 00 - smoke break
  • 20: 00-21: 15 - speakers' speeches
  • 21: 15–22: ​​00 - round table and free communication
  • 23:00 - end of the meetup

And if you can't, then there will be an online broadcast.

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