JavaScript call stack and more magic

In early April, the article "JavaScript: Call stack and the magic of its size" was published on Habré - its author came to the conclusion that each stack frame occupies (72 + 8 * number of_local_variables) bytes: "It turns out that we have counted everything correctly and we can assert that the size of an empty ExecutionStack in Chrome is 72 bytes, and the size of the callstack is just under one megabyte. Great job! "

For seeding - let's slightly change the code used AxemaFr for experiments:

{let i = 0;

const func = () => {
  i += 1.00000000000001;

try {
} catch (e) {

Instead of 1, now at each step we add a little more, and as a result, instead of 13951, we get 12556.000000000002 - as if a local variable was added to the function!

Let's repeat the questions asked by Senior Frontend Developer AxemaFr: “Why is it so? What changed? How to understand, looking at the function, how many times it can be executed recursively ?! "

Cooking tools

On the Chrome command line, you can pass arguments to the JS engine; in particular, you can change the stack size from 984 KB to any other key --js-flags=--stack-size=


To figure out how much stack each function requires, the key --print-bytecode

already mentioned will help us . It was not mentioned that the debug output is sent to stdout, which Chrome under Windows stupidly does not have, because it is compiled as a GUI application. It's easy to fix: make a copy of chrome.exe, and in your favorite hex editor, correct the byte 0xD4

from the value 0x02

to 0x03

(for those who are not friends with the hex editor, this byte will help fix the Python script). But if you're reading this article right now in Chrome, and just run the patched file - let's say you named it cui_chrome.exe - then a new window will open in an existing browser instance and the argument --js-flags

will be ignored. To start a new instance of Chrome, you need to pass it some new one --user-data-dir


cui_chrome.exe --no-sandbox --js-flags="--print-bytecode --print-bytecode-filter=func" --user-data-dir=\Windows\Temp

Without, --print-bytecode-filter

you will drown in kilometer bytecode dumps of functions built into Chrome.

After launching the browser, open the developer console and enter the code used AxemaFr:

{let i = 0;

const func = () => {


Before you hit Enter, a dump will appear in the console window behind Chrome:

[generated bytecode for function: func (0x44db08635355 <SharedFunctionInfo func>)]
Parameter count 1
Register count 1
Frame size 8
   36 S> 000044DB086355EE @    0 : 1a 02             LdaCurrentContextSlot [2]
         000044DB086355F0 @    2 : ac 00             ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole [0]
         000044DB086355F2 @    4 : 4d 00             Inc [0]
         000044DB086355F4 @    6 : 26 fa             Star r0
         000044DB086355F6 @    8 : 1a 02             LdaCurrentContextSlot [2]
   37 E> 000044DB086355F8 @   10 : ac 00             ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole [0]
         000044DB086355FA @   12 : 25 fa             Ldar r0
         000044DB086355FC @   14 : 1d 02             StaCurrentContextSlot [2]
   44 S> 000044DB086355FE @   16 : 1b 03             LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot [3]
         000044DB08635600 @   18 : ac 01             ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole [1]
         000044DB08635602 @   20 : 26 fa             Star r0
   44 E> 000044DB08635604 @ 22: 5d fa 01 CallUndefinedReceiver0 r0, [1]
         000044DB08635607 @ 25: 0d LdaUndefined
   52 S> 000044DB08635608 @ 26: ab Return
Constant pool (size = 2)
Handler Table (size = 0)
Source Position Table (size = 12)

How will the dump change if the line is i++;

replaced with i += 1.00000000000001;


[generated bytecode for function: func (0x44db0892d495 <SharedFunctionInfo func>)]
Parameter count 1
Register count 2
Frame size 16
   36 S> 000044DB0892D742 @ 0: 1a 02 LdaCurrentContextSlot [2]
         000044DB0892D744 @ 2: ac 00 ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole [0]
         000044DB0892D746 @ 4: 26 fa Star r0
         000044DB0892D748 @ 6: 12 01 LdaConstant [1]
         000044DB0892D74A @    8 : 35 fa 00          Add r0, [0]
         000044DB0892D74D @   11 : 26 f9             Star r1
         000044DB0892D74F @   13 : 1a 02             LdaCurrentContextSlot [2]
   37 E> 000044DB0892D751 @   15 : ac 00             ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole [0]
         000044DB0892D753 @   17 : 25 f9             Ldar r1
         000044DB0892D755 @   19 : 1d 02             StaCurrentContextSlot [2]
   60 S> 000044DB0892D757 @   21 : 1b 03             LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot [3]
         000044DB0892D759 @   23 : ac 02             ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole [2]
         000044DB0892D75B @   25 : 26 fa             Star r0
   60 E> 000044DB0892D75D @   27 : 5d fa 01          CallUndefinedReceiver0 r0, [1]
         000044DB0892D760 @   30 : 0d                LdaUndefined
   68 S> 000044DB0892D761 @ 31: ab Return
Constant pool (size = 3)
Handler Table (size = 0)
Source Position Table (size = 12)

Now let's figure out what has changed and why.

Exploring examples

All V8 opcodes are described in

The first dump is decoded like this:

LdaCurrentContextSlot [2]; a: = context [2]
ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole [0]; if (a === undefined)
                                    ; throw ("ReferenceError:% s is not defined", const [0])
Inc [0]; a ++
Star r0; r0: = a
LdaCurrentContextSlot [2]; a: = context [2]
ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole [0]; if (a === undefined)
                                    ; throw ("ReferenceError:% s is not defined", const [0])
Ldar r0; a: = r0
StaCurrentContextSlot [2]           ; context[2] := a
LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot [3]  ; a := context[3]
ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole [1]       ; if (a === undefined)
                                    ;   throw("ReferenceError: %s is not defined", const[1])
Star r0                             ; r0 := a
CallUndefinedReceiver0 r0, [1]      ; r0()
LdaUndefined                        ; a := undefined

The last argument opcodes Inc

and CallUndefinedReceiver0

sets the feedback slot, in which the optimizer collects statistics about the types used. This does not affect the semantics of the bytecode, so today we are not at all interested.

Under the dump there is a postscript: "Constant pool (size = 2)" - and indeed we see that the bytecode uses two lines - "i"

and "func"

- for substitution in the exception message when symbols with such names are undefined. There is a postscript above the dump: "Frame size 8" - in accordance with the fact that the function uses one interpreter register ( r0


Our function's stack frame consists of:

  • single argument this

  • return addresses;
  • the number of arguments passed ( arguments.length

  • references to constant pool with used strings;
  • links to context with local variables;
  • three more pointers needed by the engine; and finally
  • space for one register.

Total 9 * 8 = 72 bytes, as a signor AxemaFrand figured out.

Of the seven listed terms, theoretically, three can change - the number of arguments, the presence of a constant pool, and the number of registers. What did we get in the variant with 1.00000000000001?

LdaCurrentContextSlot [2]; a: = context [2]
ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole [0]; if (a === undefined)
                               ; throw ("ReferenceError:% s is not defined", const [0])
Star r0; r0: = a
LdaConstant [1]; a: = const [1]
Add r0, [0]; a + = r0
Star r1; r1: = a
                               ; ... further as before

First, the added constant took third place in the constant pool; secondly, one more register was needed to load it, so the function's stack frame grew by 8 bytes.

If you do not use named symbols in the function, then you can do without the constant pool. On described V8 stack frame format and stated that when the constant pool is not in use, the stack frame size is reduced by one pointer. How can you be sure of this? At first glance, it seems that a function that does not use named symbols cannot be recursive; but take a look:

{let i = 0;

function func() {

const helper = () => (i++, func.bind(helper));

try {
} catch (e) {

[generated bytecode for function: func (0x44db0878e575 <SharedFunctionInfo func>)]
Parameter count 1
Register count 1
Frame size 8
   37 S> 000044DB0878E8DA @    0 : 5e 02 02 00       CallUndefinedReceiver1 <this>, <this>, [0]
         000044DB0878E8DE @    4 : 26 fa             Star r0
   43 E> 000044DB0878E8E0 @    6 : 5d fa 02          CallUndefinedReceiver0 r0, [2]
         000044DB0878E8E3 @    9 : 0d                LdaUndefined
   47 S> 000044DB0878E8E4 @   10 : ab                Return
Constant pool (size = 0)
Handler Table (size = 0)
Source Position Table (size = 8)

The goal - "Constant pool (size = 0)" - has been achieved; but the stack overflow, as before, occurs through 13951 calls. This means that even when the constant pool is not used, the function's stack frame still contains a pointer to it.

Is it possible to achieve a smaller stack frame size than the calculated AxemaFrminimum value? - yes, if no register is used inside the function:

{function func() {

let chain = ()=>null;
for(let i=0; i<15050; i++)
  chain = func.bind(chain);


[generated bytecode for function: func (0x44db08c34059 <SharedFunctionInfo func>)]
Parameter count 1
Register count 0
Frame size 0
   25 S> 000044DB08C34322 @ 0: 5d 02 00 CallUndefinedReceiver0 <this>, [0]
         000044DB08C34325 @ 3: 0d LdaUndefined
   29 S> 000044DB08C34326 @ 4: ab Return
Constant pool (size = 0)
Handler Table (size = 0)
Source Position Table (size = 6)

(In this case, a chain of calls from 15051 already leads to "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded".)

Thus, the conclusion of the signor AxemaFrthat "the size of an empty ExecutionStack in Chrome is 72 bytes" has been successfully refuted.

Refining predictions

We can argue that the minimum stack frame size for a JS function in Chrome is 64 bytes. To this you need to add 8 bytes for each declared formal parameter, another 8 bytes for each actual parameter in excess of the number of declared ones, and another 8 bytes for each used register. A register is allocated for each local variable, for loading constants, for accessing variables from an external context, for passing actual parameters during calls, etc. It is hardly possible to determine the exact number of used registers from the source code in JS. It is worth noting that the JS interpreter supports an unlimited number of registers - they are not related to the registers of the processor on which the interpreter is executed.

Now it's clear why:
  • (func = (x) => { i++; func(); };

    ) , ;
  • (func = () => { i++; func(1); };

    ) , — :
    [generated bytecode for function: func (0x44db08e12da1 <SharedFunctionInfo func>)]
    Parameter count 1
    Register count 2
    Frame size 16
       34 S> 000044DB08E12FE2 @    0 : 1a 02             LdaCurrentContextSlot [2]
             000044DB08E12FE4 @    2 : ac 00             ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole [0]
             000044DB08E12FE6 @    4 : 4d 00             Inc [0]
             000044DB08E12FE8 @    6 : 26 fa             Star r0
             000044DB08E12FEA @    8 : 1a 02             LdaCurrentContextSlot [2]
       35 E> 000044DB08E12FEC @   10 : ac 00             ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole [0]
             000044DB08E12FEE @   12 : 25 fa             Ldar r0
             000044DB08E12FF0 @   14 : 1d 02             StaCurrentContextSlot [2]
       39 S> 000044DB08E12FF2 @   16 : 1b 03             LdaImmutableCurrentContextSlot [3]
             000044DB08E12FF4 @   18 : ac 01             ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole [1]
             000044DB08E12FF6 @   20 : 26 fa             Star r0
             000044DB08E12FF8 @   22 : 0c 01             LdaSmi [1]
             000044DB08E12FFA @   24 : 26 f9             Star r1
       39 E> 000044DB08E12FFC @   26 : 5e fa f9 01       CallUndefinedReceiver1 r0, r1, [1]
             000044DB08E13000 @   30 : 0d                LdaUndefined
       48 S> 000044DB08E13001 @   31 : ab                Return
    Constant pool (size = 2)
    Handler Table (size = 0)
    Source Position Table (size = 12)
  • 1.00000000000001 — r1

    , .

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