Adaptation of the approach using zlib compression to filter out low-quality texts of different lengths

Recently, Sberbank in the article All we need is generation suggested an unusual approach for filtering out low-quality texts (technical junk and template spam).

We supplemented this approach with one more heuristic: we made compression of texts using zlib and discarded the most strongly and weakly compressing ones, and then we applied the classification. Empirically selected compression range for normal text × 1.2— × 8 (less than 1.2 - random characters and technical junk, more than 8 - template spam). 

The approach is certainly interesting and worth adopting. But doesn't the zlib compression ratio on quality texts have a non-linear dependence on the length of the text being compressed? Let's check.

Let's take a text corpus of sentences that range in length from 50 to 280 characters:

import zlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

with open('/content/test.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
  text =
sntc = text.split('\n')

l_sntc = []  #  
k_zlib = []  #     

for s in sntc:
  k_zlib.append(len(s) / len(zlib.compress(s.encode(), -1)))

Let's see how the length of high-quality sentences affects the compression ratio.

For this:

1. Let's take the range of lengths of sentences with the highest frequency (25 - 75 percentile). In our case, these are lengths from 92 to 175 characters:

mp_1 = np.percentile(np.array(l_sntc), [25, 75])
print(': ' + str(mp_1))

2. . 25 (25 + w)   75 (75 - w) (   ), w - ( 2.5 ).

  • :

w = 2.5  #   
mp_2 = np.percentile(np.array(l_sntc), [25 + w, 75 - w])
dl = int(min(mp_2[0] - mp_1[0], mp_1[1] - mp_2[1]))
print('      : ' + str(dl))

3 .

  • +- 3 :

id_sntc = range(len(sntc))  #   
x = zip(l_sntc, id_sntc)
xs = sorted(x, key = lambda tup: tup[0])
l_sntc_s = [x[0] for x in xs]
id_snt_s = [x[1] for x in xs]

gr = 0  #  
k_gr = [[]]  #      
l_gr = [[]]  #     
sl0 = l_sntc_s[l_sntc_s.index(mp_1[0])] #     

nt = l_sntc_s.index(mp_1[1])
for i in range(nt, len(l_sntc_s)):
    if l_sntc_s[i] > l_sntc_s[nt]:
        nt = i

for i in range(l_sntc_s.index(mp_1[0]), nt):
    if l_sntc_s[i] > sl0 + dl:
        sl0 = l_sntc_s[i]
        gr += 1

print(' : ' + str(gr))

20 .

3. , :

x = [0]
y = [0]

for i in range(gr + 1):
    x.append(np.percentile(np.array(l_gr[i]), 50))
    y.append(np.percentile(np.array(k_gr[i]), 50))

  • :

y = a \ cdot x ^ {b},

x - , y - .

x = np.array(x)
y = np.array(y)

def func(x, a, b):
    return a * x ** b

popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, x, y, (0.27, 0.24), maxfev=10 ** 6)
a, b = popt

print('a = {0}\nb = {1}'.format(*tuple(popt)))
print(' : ' + str(np.corrcoef(y, a * x ** b)[0][1]))

a = 0.17601951773514363, b = 0.3256903074228561, : 0.9999489378452683


y = 0.18 \ cdot x ^ {0.33},

( 50 - 280 ) , . "c" "y = " ( ), , :

c = np.percentile(np.array(k_zlib), 50)

graph = plt.figure()
axes = graph.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
axes.set_xlabel(' ')
axes.set_ylabel(' ')
axes.set_title('     ')
axes.plot([60, 280], [c, c], color='r')
axes.plot(range(60, 281), a * np.array(range(60, 281)) ** b, color='b')

. ~130 , ~130 - . . , .

.  , .

k_zlib_f = np.array(k_zlib) * c / (a * np.array(l_sntc) ** b)

,   :

  • in our case, the sentences have already been cleared of technical junk, so as an example we filter out only spammed sentences:

p_zlib_1 = np.percentile(np.array(k_zlib), 99.95)
p_zlib_2 = np.percentile(np.array(k_zlib_f), 99.95)

for i in range(len(sntc)):
  if k_zlib_f[i] > p_zlib_2 and k_zlib[i] <= p_zlib_1:

As you can see, these are short sentences for which the compression ratio was underestimated . In practice, sentences of the same length are quite rare in the corpus. As a rule, the range of lengths is quite significant.

The complete laptop code is posted on GitHub .

Perhaps it will be useful for someone. I have adopted this approach for myself as a relatively simple and effective way to get rid of technical junk and template spam.

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