What you need to know before starting robotization of processes?

Robotic Process Automation , or RPA for short, is gaining momentum in the CIS and Kazakhstan markets, in particular. Market participants were concerned about business continuity, efficiency and, of course, economy. The pandemic showed us the holes in the processes, how dangerous it is to tie up processes on people and that full digitalization is not the future, it is now.

Over the past six months, I have held a huge number of meetings with clients, large and small, companies and collected the most frequently asked questions to write this article. A kind of FAQ from business owners, managers and executors who in any way want to start or have been robotized on their sites.

Why can I broadcast about this? And who is my company?

We are a telecom operator who decided that we have the right and all the chances to become the market leader in the provision of robotization services, as we have successfully done this at home and have saved many hundreds of millions and working hours on it. We decided not to dwell only on ourselves and to help other companies fix their processes, become more efficient and flexible.

First, let's understand what a business process is.

Yes, yes, you need to understand this first. Since the understanding of the processes may differ in the minds of the customer and the contractor, which will further lead to disputes about what robotization should give to the client.

If the process begins with the formation of a purchase order in January, and you receive an act of completion from the supplier, which must be entered into the database, in December of the same year, then this is not one process.

The visibility of the beginning and end of the process should be within 1 day, even 1 hour.

The process should be decomposed into several sub-processes, procedures and functions that have their own logic, but ultimately lead to the achievement of a single goal of the main process.

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