Exploit monitoring

In the last article, we collected data in order to monitor the exploitation of a vulnerability in Windows Server, which has the role of a domain controller. In this article, we will try to understand whether it is possible to monitor other classes of exploits using ELK, Zabbix or Prometheus tools.

Exploit classification from a monitoring point of view

- . .

? . β„–1 :

, .

ELK, Zabbix Prometheus. .

. , . , . .


β„–2 - - 699. , , 699 .

699 ? , . , CWE-120. , , . . .

, . , .

? . . VMMap. , , , .. ?

, . 699 , . , , , . :

  • ,


. . , , .

CVE-2020-1472 Microsoft , , . . .

CVE-2020-0796. - , . 2 :

  1. Remote Code Execution

  2. Local Priveledge Escalation

, . - , -.

. github C++. , .


loopback 445 . . , primary . cmd.exe. ? :

, , . "Security" . ? 2 :

  1. IDS loopback

  2. Endpoint

3- . Windows , . SysMon. , , . . loopback , :

<RuleGroup name="" groupRelation="or">
        <NetworkConnect onmatch="exclude">
            <DestinationIp condition="is"></DestinationIp> <==
            <DestinationIp condition="begin with">fe80:0:0:0</DestinationIp> <==


. Windows 10 : Applications and Services Logs\Microsoft\Windows\Sysmon\Operational.

Sysmon :

sysmon.exe -accepteula -i sysmonconfig-export.xml


, . Zabbix. . , .

P.S. Linux SysMon.

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