Robotics, Disease Prediction and Morning Habits: Which Projects Enrolled in the Digital Breakthrough Accelerator

At the end of March, in Rostov-on-Don, in the South IT-Park, the list of teams that entered the business accelerator of the Digital Breakthrough competition was announced. 20 projects were selected from 223 teams. You will probably hear about many of them, so let's briefly introduce potential “unicorns”.


The platform is designed for training, repair and operation of robotic systems based on expert knowledge and with the ability to control the learning process. The product will reduce the training time for employees through gamification of the process and the use of artificial intelligence technologies.

The platform consists of a client application in the form of a progressive web application designed to run on tablets and desktops, a set of microservices and databases. The platform does not use cloud technologies and is fully deployed at the customer's site.

The teacher starts a task for maintenance on the desktop: indicates the telemetry of the equipment (collected using the OPC UA protocol), generates an intelligent checklist, attaches documentation. The student works with the task on a tablet: he looks at telemetry from the equipment, fills out a checklist, looks at tips and documentation, takes a photo and records a video.

After completing the task, a report is generated: the time for operations on the checklist, the number of calls to tips and documentation. You can view photo and video files attached by students.

The platform can be deployed not only in an educational institution, but also in production. In the latter case, it will allow teaching practical cases prepared by experienced employees on real equipment.

2. "Heart"

Intelligent system for assessing the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system with a decision support function. The system reveals the correlation between traditional factors affecting the risk of cardiovascular diseases - such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, excess weight, and non-traditional parameters - such as education, marital status, region of residence.

How it works: When a new patient enters the appointment, the nurse creates a new outpatient card for the patient and enters there “non-traditional data”, for example, profession, marital status, education, place of residence, village or city. When you open the patient record, there will be two sections: "Risks" and "Recommendations". By selecting "Risks", the doctor will see what the patient's risk of disease is, indicating the factors that influence this risk. The system will analyze the experience of disease progression in similar patients with the same unconventional parameters. In the section "Recommendations" the doctor will see recommendations formed on the basis of the positive experience of treating similar patients.

With the help of such a decision support system, a cardiologist will be able to correctly diagnose a disease and prescribe the right treatment, relying on an array of big data that will grow with each new patient of any doctor connected to the system. The program will also collect statistics on effective treatments.

3. Arkeda

B2B / B2C service for automatic processing of documents / images, structuring and validation of the meaning of the content. The service digitizes and recognizes documents (accounting, contracts, specifications) and images (aerial photography, phone photos, X-rays). Based on the recognized data, you can build knowledge graphs and look for patterns / anomalies in the data, make recommendation services.


A gamified online entrepreneurship education program for schoolchildren that teaches how to create and manage projects, and build business relationships. The online tool will allow a university, school or any other institution to solve diverse tasks: to attract applicants, develop a startup and innovation culture, solve educational tasks for mastering certain disciplines (project management, design thinking, entrepreneurship, and others).

Training includes both the development of specific entrepreneurial skills (business planning, business model development, management, marketing, finance) and "soft" skills (the ability to work in a team, search and analyze information, conduct negotiations and interviews with clients and partners ).

5. AI Career

A prototype of an HRM system (Human Resources Management) for comprehensive assistance to HR specialists based on artificial intelligence and machine learning. An HR specialist conducts the entire cycle of work with a digital assistant: accepts applications for the selection of a specialist, forms a vacancy text, considers candidates' resumes recommended by the system, sends invitations for interviews and testing, and gives feedback to candidates.

The product allows a specialist not to spend a lot of time on the search process itself. The service shows the most relevant resume for the vacancy. The recruiter immediately sees a list of candidates already sorted by candidate matching percentages for job requirements.

Another technology is a machine learning model that analyzes resume text. It highlights key skills and grades for each skill from the text. Then it compares with vacancies and displays the essence of each resume in a visual form.

6. Cyber ​​Training

A game for teaching SMEs to small and medium-sized businesses.

7. "What a couple"

Schedules of classes for students and teachers. A mobile and web application in which students and teachers of various universities can view class schedules, supplement it (or create from scratch).

8. Look-N-Cook

Remote assistance in the preparation of dishes according to any recipe and training in cooking from professional chefs. Look-and-Cook finds a professional chef for people without culinary experience so that they can learn to cook complex dishes remotely and get immediate results. For chefs, this will become a source of additional income and reduce the risk of a drop in income. In fact, Look-and-Cook finds you a master for any request in order to learn from his experience in practice.

9.AI retail CRM

A CRM system with the ability to predictively analyze the digital portrait of customers allows retail companies to recommend those products that will be interesting for specific customers to purchase. ML models analyze data on customers and their transactions. In a user-friendly interface, the manager gets the probability of clients' readiness to purchase specific bank products.

A smart algorithm will analyze a huge stream of data and give each of them its own conclusions and recommendations: it will suggest the best product for a specific client, analyze the price, and find the best place to open a new outlet.

10. Monica Information System RPA

The project is aimed at the robotization of gaming processes, in particular, it is planned to implement the SaaS model in decision-making when playing poker.

11. "Healthy nation"

Medical system for predicting the occurrence of cardiovascular and oncological diseases. The system predicts the danger of a disease, divides the population into risk groups, after which the information is sent to the participants of the system to establish the priority of referring citizens to the appropriate specialists and to dispensary observation.

12. Novatoria

Automated management system for rationalization proposals. Allows you to centralize the system of submission, examination and implementation of proposals, to create a unified information base of proposals for the company.

13. "Your editor"

A service for automated content generation based on natural language processing (NLP).

14. Development of a document designer for universities

A platform for the development of university documentation for educational programs. The need for such software is dictated by the requirements for the accreditation of an educational organization.

The project is at the stage of finalizing a desktop application for Windows, which allows you to download regulatory documents, design work programs based on them, save the prepared documents to a database and update them. It is planned to study the possibility of using artificial intelligence tools for assessing the quality of compiled documents based on semantic features, as well as the development of a client-server version of the product compatible with the Russian OS with the ability to save the developed documents on the server.

Automation of document development will reduce the number of errors and violations, the use of the product will allow educational organizations to submit high quality documents to Rosobrnadzor and avoid fines for non-compliance with regulatory requirements.

15. He1c

Online platform for settlement and cash services. A software package that includes cash register software for a seller and a merchandise manager / store manager software for controlling balances, sales, making receipts, carrying out stocktaking, printing price tags, etc. to support the activities of a retail store, with the possibility of remote work.

16. My morning

Personal trainer for morning exercises. The service will help people who want to increase their productivity by doing personal affairs in the morning, since there is not always time left for this in the evening. The goal of the product is to improve the quality of every user's morning.

The application includes 6 basic practices (meditation, affirmation, visualization, fitness, personal diary, reading). In terms of functionality, implemented: sounds for meditation, pictures for visualization, ready-made sets of affirmations, ready-made exercises for fitness. The user himself can choose how much time to devote to the exercises and choose the very sequence of practices. Each of these areas will be refined taking into account the needs of users.

The product is currently available in both the App Store and Google Play. The start-up cost is only $ 1 per month. In the future, it is planned to port it to smart watches and Smart TV, the introduction of immersive technologies (VR / AR).

17. Nemezida DNT

A tool to protect the user from tracking and collecting unnecessary information on the Internet.

18. Nemezida Smart SIEM Defense

A browser plugin that protects users from writing information.

19. Pro100.R ("Space")

The solution is an automated task management system operating within a secure corporate network, with a voice assistant, the ability to view task life cycles, a mail server, simple interfaces, and an easy system of integration with existing solutions. There are ready-made solutions on the market that allow you to manage tasks, some of them have support for voice input, but none of them solve the automation problem.

Possible use case: the manager launches an application on a computer / smartphone and dictates “Ivanov, urgently take up a package of documents for contractors. He must be ready by the end of the working day today! ” A task is created in the system: “Prepare a package of documents for a contractor”. The due date is set: the current date, the end time of the working day. The executor is appointed - "Ivanov". Ivanov himself receives a notification in the application that he has an urgent task. After completing the task, he reports through the application.

20. Alto Ai

Voice robots with artificial intelligence and human voice to automate calls. As a certified partner of Just Ai, the team is developing voice bots on their platform.

All 20 teams took part in the Digital Breakthrough competition in 2020. In 2021, teams entered the Digital Breakthrough accelerator, which launched at the end of March this year. The Digital Breakthrough business accelerator program is designed for 4 months, during which participants will create and develop a product together with mentors and experts. By the end of the acceptance of applications on March 25, more than 200 applications had been collected.

Digital Breakthrough is the largest competition for IT professionals from all over Russia, which not only forms a strong talent pool for the country, but also accelerates the digital transformation of each region. The competition is being implemented within the framework of the federal project "Social elevators for everyone" of the national project "Education". Digital Breakthrough is one of 26 projects of the Russia - Country of Opportunity ANO (RSV) platform. RSV was created on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The operator of the Digital Breakthrough competition is the Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC). RAEC is engaged in the examination, standardization and development of Internet technologies, interaction with government authorities, the formation of industry positions, upholding the interests of Internet business, support of projects in industry education and science, development of professional competencies of specialists in the field of Internet technologies.

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