Article Review - AdderNet: Do We Really Need Multiplication in Deep Learning? (Image classification)

Using addition instead of multiplication for convolution results in less latency than standard CNN

Convolution AdderNet using addition, no multiplication
Convolution AdderNet using addition, no multiplication

AdderNet: ?, (AdderNet), , Huawei Noah's Ark Lab .


  1. AdderNet

  2. : BN, ,

1. AdderNet


  • , Y :

  • S - .


Standard convolution using multiplication
  • , . .

1.3. AdderNet

Convolution AdderNet using addition, no multiplication
AdderNet ,
  • , l1- :

  • l1- .

, .

, , - , .

2. : BN, ,

2.1. (Batch Normalization - BN)

  • , (BN) Y , , CNN, AdderNets.

  • BN , , , .

  • ( - BN, ?)


  • l1- . , l2-:

  • .

  • , X [-1,1].

  • Y X :

  • HT - HardTanh:


l2-measures of gradients in LeNet-5-BN
l2- LeNet-5-BN
  • , AdderNets , CNN, AdderNets.

  • AdderNets :

  • Îŗ - (, BN ), ΔL(Fl) - l, Îąl - .

  • ,

  • k Fl, Ρ - .


3.1. MNIST

  • LeNet-5-BN .

  • CNN 99,4% 435K 435K .

  • , AdderNet 99,4%, CNN, 870K .

  • , .

  • , VIA Nano 2000 4 2 . AdderNet LeNet-5 1.7M, CNN 2.6M CPU.

3.2. CIFAR

Classification results on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets
BNN: XNORNet convolution using XNOR boolean operations
  • (Binary neural networks - BNN): XNOR , .

  • VGG-small, AdderNets (93,72% CIFAR-10 72,64% CIFAR-100) CNNs (93,80% CIFAR-10 72,73% CIFAR-100).

  • BNN , AdderNet CNN, (89,80% CIFAR-10 65,41% CIFAR-100).

  • ResNet-20, CNN (.. 92,25% CIFAR-10 68,14% CIFAR-100), (41,17M).

  • AdderNets 91,84% CIFAR-10 67,60% CIFAR-100 , CNN.

  • , BNN 84,87% 54,14% CIFAR-10 CIFAR-100.

  • ResNet-32 , AdderNets CNN.

3.3. ImageNet

Classifying Results on ImageNet Datasets 
  • CNN 69,8% top-1 89,1% top-5 RESNET-18. , 1.8G .

  • AdderNet 66,8% top-1 87,4% top-5 ResNet-18, , .

  • , BNN , 51,2% top-1 73,2% top-5 ResNet-18.

  • ResNet-50.


Feature visualization in AdderNets and CNN.  CNN tags of different classes are divided according to their corners.
AdderNets CNN. CNN .
  •  LeNet++ MNIST, 3D .

  • 32, 32, 64, 64, 128, 128 2 .

  • AdderNets l1- . .

  • , AdderNets CNN.

Visualization of filters in the first layer of LeNet-5-BN on MNIST
  • adderNets - .

  • , AdderNets .

Histograms by weights from AdderNet (left) and CNN (right).
AdderNet () CNN ().
  • AdderNets , CNN . , l1- .


AdderNets Learning Curve Using Various Optimization Schemes
  • AdderNets, (adaptive learning rate - ALR) (increased learning rate - ILR), 97,99% 97,72% , , CNN (99,40%) .

  • AdderNets.

  • AdderNet ILR 98,99% . (ALR), AdderNet 99,40%, .

[2020 CVPR] [AdderNet]

AdderNet: Do We Really Need Multiplications in Deep Learning?

1989–1998: [LeNet]

2012–2014: [AlexNet & CaffeNet] [Dropout] [Maxout] [NIN] [ZFNet] [SPPNet] [Distillation]

2015: [VGGNet] [Highway] [PReLU-Net] [STN] [DeepImage] [GoogLeNet / Inception-v1] [BN-Inception / Inception-v2]

2016: [SqueezeNet] [Inception-v3] [ResNet] [Pre-Activation ResNet] [RiR] [Stochastic Depth] [WRN] [Trimps-Soushen]

2017: [Inception-v4] [Xception] [MobileNetV1] [Shake-Shake] [Cutout] [FractalNet] [PolyNet] [ResNeXt] [DenseNet] [PyramidNet] [DRN] [DPN] [Residual Attention Network] [IGCNet / IGCV1] [Deep Roots]

2018: [RoR] [DMRNet / DFN-MR] [MSDNet] [ShuffleNet V1] [SENet] [NASNet] [MobileNetV2] [CondenseNet] [IGCV2] [IGCV3] [FishNet] [SqueezeNext] [ENAS] [PNASNet] [ShuffleNet V2] [BAM] [CBAM] [MorphNet] [NetAdapt] [mixup] [DropBlock] [Group Norm (GN)]

2019: [ResNet-38] [AmoebaNet] [ESPNetv2] [MnasNet] [Single-Path NAS] [DARTS] [ProxylessNAS] [MobileNetV3] [FBNet] [ShakeDrop] [CutMix] [MixConv] [EfficientNet] [ABN] [SKNet] [CB Loss]

2020: [Random Erasing (RE)] [SAOL] [AdderNet]

"Deep Learning. Basic".

- : "Knowledge distillation: ".


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