Zoom Out: how the Russian public sector can replace the American video communication

On March 7, alarming news swept across Russia: it turned out that Zoom partners can no longer sell the service to government agencies and companies affiliated with them - moreover, throughout the CIS. A day later, a clarification came: Zoom will still sell its services to the public sector, but only directly . On the one hand, it is surprising that these very bodies ignored "impostor substitution" and still used American software, which has domestic counterparts. On the other hand, are there any such analogs at all? Under the cut - briefly about the situation with Zoom and the domestic public sector, plus a short list of services that can replace foreign video communication.

What happened

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Unexpectedly, this list includes a platform that is usually perceived as a service for holding online conferences and webinars, rather than working meetings.

A special meeting mode allows you to gather up to 30 people in one room, who, like in other services, can go on the air without asking for the presenter's approval, send files to the chat, and show their screen. Registration, as in all other cases, is required only for the organizer - others can connect without an account.

Have you already used some of these apps or know others? Share your experience in the comments!

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