Not Trump alone ...

... lives on Twitter. Although, the fact remains that the world at some point got used to the twitter-Trump bundle. But Trump is no longer president, and Twitter is no longer Trump's friend. Well, that's not what happens in life. 

The company's β€œdecision” to forever restrict Trump's access to the platform did not negatively affect public opinion, and the social network continues to go forward its own way. Growth prospects are obvious not only from our analytical indicators, but also from publicly available facts, which are no less interesting and indicative.

  • You can send a tweet via SMS.

  • The Twitter mobile app exists for iOS, Android, Windows, BlackBerry and Nokia devices.

  • Twitter 336

  • 500

  • 23% - Twitter.

  • Twitter 2

  • , Twitter, 11% , .

  • Twitter . 45 .

  • Twitter 4000

  • 3 , 2 1 . 

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