xAPI / CMI5. Full power

Let's continue the analysis of the xAPI / CMI5 specifications for storing and analyzing personnel training data. In recent years, a fairly large number of articles have appeared on the use of the considered specifications (for example, https://levellab.ru/blog/xapi-1 ). However, existing publications describe the use of specifications, in my opinion, very superficially. Yes, I agree that using xAPI to report a course view of a presentation or test is a fairly trivial task. Especially when you just need to get information in the form of time spent and estimates. In the previous article, I already wrote that with this approach, it seems to me that using xAPI may not provide any significant advantage.

That is why I decided to "dig deeper" and show how you can use the xAPI specification at 100% power, incl. not only in storage, but also in data analysis. In addition, I will try to practically explain the difference between xAPI and CMI5 in the context of how CMI5 formalizes the use of xAPI.

As an example, we will use a simulation simulator for training personnel, for example https://youtu.be/zewU3JHZCfg

Now let's see the report on the CMI5 / xAPI form. When launching our resource (through a plugin for Moodle or through a very convenient service for checking), we automatically get an entry in the LRS with the verb "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/launched". Please note that the recording is not performed by our program with you, but by the service that launches it (for example -moodle). The last 4 records (id, authority, stored, timestamp) are formed by the LRS itself. Also information about registration (registration: "fb13ae65-d9cf-469d-8d89-e41fd61c842d"), LRS endpoint and authorization is transmitted directly to our resource, which makes it possible to make a request to the LRS and find the "launched" record even, for example, from exe -file. In this way, we can get information about the trainee, the team, etc. In principle, we can perform this recording ourselves, if, for example, we run an exe file without an LMS system.

Statement "launched"


  • actor: {

    • mbox: "mailto: scorm@lcontent.ru",

    • name: " ",

    • objectType: "Agent"


  • verb: {

    • id: "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/launched",

    • display: {

      • en-US: "launched"



  • context: {

    • registration: "fb13ae65-d9cf-469d-8d89-e41fd61c842d",

    • contextActivities: {

      • parent: [

        • {

          • objectType: "Activity",

          • id: "https://lms.lcontent.ru/pluginfile.php/3678/mod_resource/content/76/T.html"





  • object: {

    • id: "simulation://xapitest",

    • definition: {

      • name: {

        • en-US: " "


      • description: {

        • en-US: " "



    • objectType: "Activity"


  • id: "d7a3b941-10a8-412b-912c-50cc89017f1c",

  • authority: {

    • objectType: "Agent",

    • account: {

      • homePage: "https://lrs.lcontent.ru:443",

      • name: "maxxxxr@gmail.com"



  • stored: "2021-04-07T14:40:58+00:00",

  • timestamp: "2021-04-07T14:40:58+00:00"


, (cmi5) "initialized", , . registration, launched, . , http://lcontent.ru/xapi/weatherConditions: "rainy", http://lcontent.ru/xapi/Device: "HTC VIVE" - , VR-. . CMI5 .

Statement "initialized"


  • actor: {

    • mbox: "mailto:user@lcontent.ru",

    • name: " ",

    • objectType: "Agent"


  • verb: {

    • id: "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/initialized",

    • display: {

      • en-US: "Indicates that the activity was started.",

      • ru-RU: ", ."



  • object: {

    • id: "simulation://xapitest",

    • objectType: "Activity",

    • definition: {

      • name: {

        • ru-RU: "1"


      • description: {

        • ru-RU: "1"




  • context: {

    • registration: "fb13ae65-d9cf-469d-8d89-e41fd61c842d",

    • extensions: {

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/sessionid: "fb13ae65-d9cf-469d-8d89-e41fd61c842d",

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/masteryscore: 0.860000014305115,

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/launchurl: "https://lcontent.ru",

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/launchmode: "Normal",

      • http://lcontent.ru/xapi/weatherConditions: "rainy",

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/acme/extensions/training-location: "tyumen",

      • http://lcontent.ru/xapi/Device: "HTC VIVE"


    • contextActivities: {

      • category: [

        • {

          • objectType: "Activity",

          • id: "https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/categories/cmi5"




    • platform: "lms.lcontent.ru",

    • instructor: {

      • objectType: "Agent",

      • mbox: "mailto:MaxGammer@gmail.com",

      • name: "Anna Gammer"


    • team: {

      • objectType: "Group",

      • mbox: "mailto:group@gmail.com",

      • name: "Commander ken"



  • authority: {

    • objectType: "Agent",

    • account: {

      • homePage: "https://lrs.lcontent.ru:443",

      • name: "maxgammer@gmail.com"



  • stored: "2021-04-07T09:35:50+00:00",

  • timestamp: "2021-04-07T09:35:50+00:00",

  • id: "263d5e25-c26f-46e0-8199-b59db7d11aaf"


completed - , . "https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5", , , CMI5. . xAPI .

Statement "completed"


  • actor: {

    • mbox: "mailto:user@lcontent.ru",

    • name: " ",

    • objectType: "Agent"


  • verb: {

    • id: "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/completed",

    • display: {

      • en-US: "Indicates the actor finished or concluded the activity normally.",

      • ru-RU: ", ."



  • object: {

    • id: "simulation://xapitest",

    • objectType: "Activity",

    • definition: {

      • name: {

        • ru-RU: "1"


      • description: {

        • ru-RU: "1"




  • result: {

    • completion: true,

    • duration: "PT41S",

    • response: " ",

    • extensions: {

      • http://lcontent.ru/xapi/Total_Losses_money: 600000,

      • http://lcontent.ru/xapi/Total_Deads: 0,

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/result/extensions/progress: 100



  • context: {

    • registration: "fb13ae65-d9cf-469d-8d89-e41fd61c842d",

    • extensions: {

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/sessionid: "fb13ae65-d9cf-469d-8d89-e41fd61c842d",

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/masteryscore: 0.860000014305115,

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/launchurl: "https://lcontent.ru",

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/launchmode: "Normal",

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/moveon: "CompletedOrPassed",

      • http://lcontent.ru/xapi/weatherConditions: "rainy",

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/acme/extensions/training-location: "tyumen",

      • http://lcontent.ru/xapi/Device: "HTC VIVE"


    • contextActivities: {

      • category: [

        • {

          • objectType: "Activity",

          • id: "https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/categories/cmi5"


        • {

          • objectType: "Activity",

          • id: "https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/categories/moveon"




    • platform: "lms.lcontent.ru",

    • instructor: {

      • objectType: "Agent",

      • mbox: "mailto:MaxGammer@gmail.com",

      • name: "Anna Gammer"


    • team: {

      • objectType: "Group",

      • mbox: "mailto:group@gmail.com",

      • name: "Commander ken"



  • authority: {

    • objectType: "Agent",

    • account: {

      • homePage: "https://lrs.lcontent.ru:443",

      • name: "maxgammer@gmail.com"



  • stored: "2021-04-07T09:35:51+00:00",

  • timestamp: "2021-04-07T09:35:51+00:00",

  • id: "f7e26b65-b9f4-4934-9988-6dcc034356ce"


"" (passed). , :

  1. (, , , ..) (// ..)

  2. ( $, , ..)

  3. ,

  4. ,

  5. ..

Statement "passed"


  • actor: {

    • mbox: "mailto:user@lcontent.ru",

    • name: " ",

    • objectType: "Agent"


  • verb: {

    • id: "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed",

    • display: {

      • en-US: "Indicates the actor completed an activity to standard.",

      • ru-RU: ", ."



  • object: {

    • id: "simulation://xapitest",

    • objectType: "Activity",

    • definition: {

      • name: {

        • ru-RU: "1"


      • description: {

        • ru-RU: "1"




  • result: {

    • success: true,

    • duration: "PT41S",

    • response: " ",

    • score: {

      • scaled: 0.0204081628471613,

      • raw: 1,

      • min: 0,

      • max: 49


    • extensions: {

      • http://lcontent.ru/xapi/Total_Losses_money: 600000,

      • http://lcontent.ru/xapi/Total_Deads: 0,

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/result/extensions/progress: 100



  • context: {

    • registration: "fb13ae65-d9cf-469d-8d89-e41fd61c842d",

    • extensions: {

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/sessionid: "fb13ae65-d9cf-469d-8d89-e41fd61c842d",

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/masteryscore: 0.860000014305115,

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/launchurl: "https://lcontent.ru",

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/launchmode: "Normal",

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/moveon: "CompletedOrPassed",

      • http://lcontent.ru/xapi/weatherConditions: "rainy",

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/acme/extensions/training-location: "tyumen",

      • http://lcontent.ru/xapi/Device: "HTC VIVE"


    • contextActivities: {

      • category: [

        • {

          • objectType: "Activity",

          • id: "https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/categories/cmi5"


        • {

          • objectType: "Activity",

          • id: "https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/categories/moveon"



      • other: [

        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/step",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "41b7a8b9-cac2-4853-9703-74fb3825d73b"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: " 1"


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:27 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:27 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_type: "Scenario_wait_trigger",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_completed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_passed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_categoty: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/step",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "20e06279-e2b7-4738-9fea-5836d5d2dbe8"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: ": . : .. . : . ."


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:30 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:30 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_type: "Scenario_step_question",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_completed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_passed: 0,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_categoty: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/step",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "2ab73493-28c3-49f6-bc9a-fbf6eb56ad1c"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: " 1trigg"


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:24 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:24 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_type: "Scenario_wait_trigger",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_completed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_passed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_categoty: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/step",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "9d1feb96-a948-4c39-a880-567a169b7df9"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: ": . : . - , 1- ( , ). ."


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:25 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:25 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_type: "Scenario_step_question",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_completed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_passed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_categoty: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/step",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "813a8565-3c31-4ec3-9659-319651522851"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: " , .... ."


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:35 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:35 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_type: "Scenario_step_text",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_completed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_passed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_categoty: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/step",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "7f2dc374-b564-472d-a5ab-2eac29bfe11f"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: " , . . . . , , . , . – 3 2020. WSAD. . . Q. , , . . "


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:35 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:35 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_type: "Scenario_step_text",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_completed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_passed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_categoty: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/step",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "5ed064b0-aae2-4b67-a2c6-8492af0ab1fe"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: " "


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:44 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:44 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_type: "Scenario_wait_trigger",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_completed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_passed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_categoty: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/step",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "edf64367-855b-42b7-9181-a7b5ac32c23a"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: ": . : . . : . "


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:46 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:46 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_type: "Scenario_step_question",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_completed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_passed: 0,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_categoty: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/step",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "91c4aa0e-5126-43bd-81e1-39cf1b60e994"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: " "


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:50",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:50",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_type: "ScenarioEditorManager",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_completed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_passed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_categoty: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/step",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "3b2f4732-5ee5-4c10-8c2f-9012dc17163c"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: " : 00:00:28"


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:50",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:50",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_type: "ScenarioEditorManager",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_completed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_passed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_categoty: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/step",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "d3a31c1f-bfe1-4164-bd71-360789f59aac"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: " : 4 : 1 : 3 : 45"


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:50",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:50",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_type: "ScenarioEditorManager",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_completed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_passed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_categoty: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/step",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "bc03d881-faf3-4bff-8b37-e9850025c42a"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: " : . . "


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:50",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:50",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_type: "ScenarioEditorManager",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_completed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_passed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_categoty: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/step",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "ca1130ad-0d14-4ff7-89f9-033f929229bc"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: " : . . "


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:50",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:50",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_type: "ScenarioEditorManager",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_completed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_passed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_categoty: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/step",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "2d428645-f89d-4163-900b-7aede52581e3"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: " : - . . "


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:50",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:50",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_type: "ScenarioEditorManager",

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_completed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_passed: 1,

              • http://lcontent.ru/step_categoty: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/mathmodel_value",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "Pump1.Q"


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/mm_dimension: "Q, m3/s",

              • http://lcontent.ru/mm_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:51 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/mm_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:51 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/mm_float_value: 56.7770004272461,

              • http://lcontent.ru/mm_str_value: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/effects",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "4b422c7f-e7da-46be-970f-fb4f44258dc4"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: " , ."


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_ref_parent: "",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:30 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:30 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_cause: " , ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_cause_full: " -=True, =True, =False, =False",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_losses: " , .",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_losses_moneys: "",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_losses_life_health: "",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_losses_ecology: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/effects",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "ff53421f-5012-41db-93b2-2308bed78792"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: " . ."


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_ref_parent: "",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:25 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:25 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_cause: " .",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_cause_full: " -=True, =True, =False, =False",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_losses: "",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_losses_moneys: "",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_losses_life_health: "",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_losses_ecology: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/effects",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "73360673-9775-41e3-9bba-398d7b7efe5e"


            • description: {

              • ru-RU: " , ."


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_ref_parent: "",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:46 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:46 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_cause: " .",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_cause_full: " -=True, =True, =False, =False",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_losses: " , .",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_losses_moneys: "",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_losses_life_health: "",

              • http://lcontent.ru/effect_losses_ecology: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/instructor_parameter",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "1"


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/instructor_parameter_name: "Pump1.Z",

              • http://lcontent.ru/instructor_parameter_dimension: " , .",

              • http://lcontent.ru/instructor_parameter_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:51 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/instructor_parameter_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:51 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/instructor_parameter_float_value: 56.7770004272461,

              • http://lcontent.ru/instructor_parameter_str_value: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/instructor_problem",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "1"


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/instructor_problem_name: "3.",

              • http://lcontent.ru/instructor_problem_dimension: " ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/instructor_problem_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:51 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/instructor_problem_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:51 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/instructor_problem_float_value: 0,

              • http://lcontent.ru/instructor_problem_str_value: ""



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/instructor_comment",

          • definition: {

            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "1"


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/instructor_comment_text: " .",

              • http://lcontent.ru/instructor_comment_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:51 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/instructor_comment_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:51 "



          • objectType: "Activity"


        • {

          • id: "http://lcontent.ru/xapi/neurointerface_log",

          • definition: {

            • description: {

              • ru-RU: " "


            • name: {

              • ru-RU: "1"


            • extensions: {

              • http://lcontent.ru/neurointerface_log_model: "OpenBCD ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/neurointerface_log_datatime_real: "2021-04-07 14:35:51 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/neurointerface_log_datatime_simulation: "2021-04-07 14:35:51 ",

              • http://lcontent.ru/neurointerface_log_data: [2 items]



          • objectType: "Activity"




    • platform: "lms.lcontent.ru",

    • instructor: {

      • objectType: "Agent",

      • mbox: "mailto:MaxGammer@gmail.com",

      • name: "Anna Gammer"


    • team: {

      • objectType: "Group",

      • mbox: "mailto:group@gmail.com",

      • name: "Commander ken"



  • authority: {

    • objectType: "Agent",

    • account: {

      • homePage: "https://lrs.lcontent.ru:443",

      • name: "maxgammer@gmail.com"



  • stored: "2021-04-07T09:35:51+00:00",

  • timestamp: "2021-04-07T09:35:51+00:00",

  • id: "1abfd011-b0a5-442b-bc07-4087b4ac86cc"




  • actor: {

    • mbox: "mailto:user@lcontent.ru",

    • name: " ",

    • objectType: "Agent"


  • verb: {

    • id: "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/terminated",

    • display: {

      • en-US: "Indicates the actor has completed their session normally.",

      • ru-RU: ", ."



  • object: {

    • id: "simulation://xapitest",

    • objectType: "Activity",

    • definition: {

      • name: {

        • ru-RU: "1"


      • description: {

        • ru-RU: "1"




  • result: {

    • duration: "PT41S",

    • response: " ",

    • extensions: {

      • http://lcontent.ru/xapi/Total_Losses_money: 600000,

      • http://lcontent.ru/xapi/Total_Deads: 0,

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/result/extensions/progress: 100



  • context: {

    • registration: "fb13ae65-d9cf-469d-8d89-e41fd61c842d",

    • extensions: {

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/sessionid: "fb13ae65-d9cf-469d-8d89-e41fd61c842d",

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/masteryscore: 0.860000014305115,

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/launchurl: "https://lcontent.ru",

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/launchmode: "Normal",

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/extensions/moveon: "CompletedOrPassed",

      • http://lcontent.ru/xapi/weatherConditions: "rainy",

      • https://w3id.org/xapi/acme/extensions/training-location: "tyumen",

      • http://lcontent.ru/xapi/Device: "HTC VIVE"


    • contextActivities: {

      • category: [

        • {

          • objectType: "Activity",

          • id: "https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/categories/cmi5"




    • platform: "lms.lcontent.ru",

    • instructor: {

      • objectType: "Agent",

      • mbox: "mailto:MaxGammer@gmail.com",

      • name: "Anna Gammer"


    • team: {

      • objectType: "Group",

      • mbox: "mailto:group@gmail.com",

      • name: "Commander ken"



  • authority: {

    • objectType: "Agent",

    • account: {

      • homePage: "https://lrs.lcontent.ru:443",

      • name: "maxgammer@gmail.com"



  • stored: "2021-04-07T09:35:52+00:00",

  • timestamp: "2021-04-07T09:35:52+00:00",

  • id: "d32fd6bf-c1b2-471d-af58-ca8754a6373b"

- ?

. , , ..

Types of errors

. (. https://habr.com/ru/post/509736/)

Probabilities of Human Factors Events on the ETA Chart
Probabilities of Human Factors Events on the FTA Chart

. , , .


. () .

xAPI, .



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