The largest ever endless robbery and crime against humanity in history, which everyone knows about, but everyone is silent

We all know about big robberies, very big robberies. But whichever of the well-known robberies is not taken in the past, everywhere the volumes of robbery are finite. But then came the era of computers and the Internet, and the most colossal robbery took place (began), which has been going on for many years, and potentially endlessly. Many people know about this robbery, which is infinite in scale, and in cynicism at the level of a crime against humanity, but almost no one attaches any importance to it.

Many are indignant if there is a robbery for billions, and even for millions - or simply even hijacking a domain, how bad it is ... But this is just 1 case of 1 domain. But absolutely no one has been indignant for decades, does not even worry that an infinite number of domains have been hijacked, even those that have not yet been invented.

Any of you can come up with a domain name. What does he do - goes to the registrar! (pay attention - to the registrar, not to God, not to the devil, not to the Almighty, but to the registrar). And what he sees ... a person enters what he has just invented (his creation, what can you say authorship) - well, let it be (, and oh, what he sees most often - โ€œthis domain is freeโ€, good .. .. "but it is OUR property", you can buy it for 100-200-100000. And no matter how infinitely many you come up with names - any of them will already be the property of some incomprehensible elements that will offer you to buy them.

And with what fright he had them? I am sure that until this second they did not even know and had never seen or pronounced this set of letters, but it is already their property.

This is the real Hijacking of domains. All the infinite number of domains that can be hijacked from people. This is the biggest robbery in history - an infinite number of stolen goods, even those that have not yet been created. That is, this is the case when even something that has not yet been created is stolen and immediately in an infinite volume.

Who are they? Why is it that the registrars (from the word register) become the owners by default? And even why are they suddenly registrars, with what fright, and why they are. Why is this right itself monopolized?

And we are ready to groan over the hijacking of one domain or a billion dollars, write articles of 100 pages tearful, but we do not even notice a single word about hijacking the infinite.

Why should people buy what they have just come up with.

We need a decentralized domain registration system for a long time and IPv6 (which is sabotaged), ideally based on blockchain technology. Why did someone seize the very right to all names, monopolize this right and rob people, and infinitely both in volume and in time? How did this happen in modern society, where the scandal begins over any minor violation of human rights, but there is generally zero reaction to the biggest robbery and violation of human rights.

Almost the same story with IP addresses, only there is artificially created a shortage, again, to constantly rob people from scratch, for air. Yes, not even for air for numbers.

Moreover, I am more than sure that if there were no artificial shortage of IP addresses, many people would not need domain names at all. For many, access over IP would be sufficient. Most people do not look at a domain name for a long time, and do not remember, let alone enter it manually.

This robbery on the Internet can be compared as if in ordinary life we โ€‹โ€‹would have been robbed of air, or the right to speak, or the right to take a name and date of birth, or even an alphabet.

Domain zone owners are especially hypocritical. Technically and in terms of capacity, any student can, in principle, administer his domain zone. And if we talk about business, even the middle management, itโ€™s not a question at all. But a ban was simply imposed and only for the sake of robbery. The only purpose of the ban is the possibility of extortion.

Artificially created restrictions on the number and ability to enter the administration of domain zones, as well as IP addresses. By the way, these are things intertwining in this matter, an artificial deficit of the second also to maintain the deficit of artificial zones (indirectly). One helps the other in the implementation of the scheme and, in general, the possibility of levies.

Technically, this is just a zone file that anyone can store.

And by the way, a lot of synchronized copies of the zone file would be good to decentralize the system and reduce the load on the network, because it was possible to apply for a record to the nearest one, and not across the whole world.

This deception must be revealed and destroyed, stopped forever and never allowed to happen again. Assigning a multitude of domain names is like a crime against humanity, even more massive. It is necessary to accurately determine that this is a huge hypocrisy, evil and cynicism on a level comparable to slavery, and so that it will never be repeated in the history of human development, especially further digital development.

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