We consider individual bits in the microcircuit picture: how to act when the architecture is unknown


I'm just getting started on the journey into Integrated Circuit Reverse Engineering (ICRE), but I was already completely overwhelmed with a passion for the industry. In addition to the computer and electrical aspects of ICRE, an extensive knowledge of physics and chemistry is required to work in this area. At first, the chemical constituent frightened me, since I hardly knew chemistry. Not to mention how dangerous it is to work with products required for opening (decapsulation) and layer-by-layer preparation of chips.

Believe me, I prepared for about 2 years before actually investing in a lab. I didn’t want to move on to the first experiment until I had acquired all the equipment needed to operate safely and had taken the necessary precautions. The first rule of chemistry is well known: in all situations except abnormal, at each step you need to know what to do next. However, I am a person so carried away that if I see a goal, nothing can make me turn from the path towards it.


The first thing I needed to do was to sort out a whole range of very expensive things and solvents that I needed to buy. Here is a list of the equipment and consumables that I bought.

Why did I need a metallurgical microscope and not a stereomicroscope or a composite microscope? Because most microscopes have illumination from below, and the light is reflected from the XY plate, and you can't work with ICs like that, since they are not double-sided. The layers of the crystal under consideration must be properly illuminated so that the light is properly reflected in the direction from top to bottom. Metallurgical microscopes use what is called EPI illumination, a unique type of illumination also referred to as epifluorescence . The solution allows not only to illuminate the IC object / sample; moreover, the microscope objective collects light reflected from the sample surface.

. , – . , – , . , , , , .

, CH340G  Arduino Nano v3, , , , . , , , , , . , , – , .

Arduino , , . , , , . , , ATmega328P, , - , , , , -.

Disassembled into layers Atmega328P

, (SiO₂ / ), , , .

:  , : siliconpr0n.

- .

, , - , ? . (MROM) , . . :

TI TMS5200NL ROM vs. SiliconPr0n CBM 65CE02 ROM
TI TMS5200NL CBM 65CE02 SiliconPr0n

, , . n- , , p-, .

, - . 1 != 1 . , , - «», , , . , . - : , , «» «»[1] [2] , , . «», , , – , , . , , , .

Transistor Model in NAND Flash
NAND Flash

, ( , ) ( ), , .

, , -, . , , . , . , , . - , . , .

Transistor cells in non-volatile memory

- . , , , () . , , , , .

, ( ) , .  Extracting ROM Constants, , . , , , 1 . , NOR ( , ) , , , .

Image of ROM from TMS320C52

. 16- MUX 4 , . , , HIGH, . ( ) , LOW.

:  CH340G , , .

Arduino Nano, CH340G . 200°C . , .

CH340 soldered to Arduino Nano (chips are not marked)
CH340, Arduino Nano ( )

, , . , .

, . (  H₂SO₄) 20 98% 100- . , , .

Opening the casing in a fume cupboard

170°C, 150°C, , . , H₂SO₄  . , . , , . , , .

, – , :

1.       , . .

2.      (SO₂), , , . , . , , . , (HNO₃), (NO₂)  HNO₃  .

– ? ; , , SOP-16, 1,50 . .

The chip is processed in an acid bath

, – ; , . .

: ,  SO₂, , , . , , – ((C₂H₄)ₙ), . , , H₂SO₄   SO₂, CO₂  H₂O. : 6H₂SO₄ + (C₂H₄)ₙ → 6SO₂ + 2CO₂ + 8H₂O. 337°C, . (S), (O) (H₂O), (SO₂); S + O₂ → SO₂, (SO₃), (V₂O₅),  2SO₂ + O₂ + V₂O₅ ⇌ 2SO₃. , SO₃ + H₂O → H₂SO₄. , , , , (II) (CuSO₄) (HBr) .

,  H₂SO₄  , .

, . , .

Silicon crystal extracted from the epoxy shell

, , (C₃H₆O). , , , , . ? , .

, , , , .

CH340G Shot Through Lens with 5x Magnification Lens
CH340G, ,

, , ; , , . , , - , - . , , . , .

A higher resolution picture is available here: https://siliconpr0n.org/map/wch/ch340/mz_20x/
: https://siliconpr0n.org/map/wch/ch340/mz_20x/

50- , , . , 14 , , 14 . 16:1. , 16 .

14 – , 14- , . , 4 , 8 , 16 32 . , , , , .

. -, . 10 , 6 , 6 4 . , , 4 2⁴ = 16  , . 6 , 64 , 16 x 14 . 10 .

, . – , , , .

, . , . (HCl), (HF) , . , , HCl ,  HF – .

:  .  HCl,  HF  , , , , . HCl  , , HF . , . , . , … , HF  . , , . HF  , HF  . , , , .

, , ? , : (Al) 6061 / (Cu). , , Al,  Cu. , , .

 Cu, HCl,  HF   Cu , , , . Cu   HF. ,  HCl   Cu, , , (H₂O₂), Cu ( ), pKa ( ) . pkA . 1:1 (HOCl) (H₂O). Cu  ,  HOCl, (II), . , (CuCl₂).

H₂O₂ (aq.) + HCl  (aq.) → H₂O + HOCl (aq.)

2HOCl + Cu → Cu(HOCl)₂

,  HCl, , , , .  [1] [2]  .

, CH340, Al, (SiO₂) . HF. HF  40°C, , Whink. 3%, , . 15 , , . Al,  SiO₂.

SiO₂ + 4HF → SiF₄ + 2H₂O

, , . :

Layered preparation CH340

, .  siliconpr0n. , .

Top right: MPZU in CH340
: CH340

, , , . , , . , , , .

 rompar, . , , . , Gimp, . : , .

, . 14 , 16 , , 224 . – , , -, 64 . , , , 1,7 .

rompar 3 ; , .

➜ python3 rompar.py image1-50x-ROM.jpg 16 1

Changing edit mode to GRID

Changing edit mode to GRID

Image is 11694x4318; 3 channels

process_image time 0.18801593780517578

read_data: computing

grid line redraw time: 6.4373016357421875e-06

grid circle redraw time: 1.1920928955078125e-05

render_image time: 0.22574210166931152

16x1? – . , , , 14 , . , -, - , .

Rompar infrared screen.
Rompar .

(GUI), , , , . , CV Options -> Pixel Threshold. , :

Enlarged image of bits in the infrared spectrum

, ,  0000001,  01110101. ,  1,  0. , . Display -> Base Image -> Original. , ctrl+click  1, 16 . , . :

Blue grid for ROM columns

, . . cmd+click , :

Binary places are circled

, , , Edit -> Mode -> Data Edit Mode.  ctrl+click  , . ‘1’,  ‘0’. , , , , , Data -> Export Data as Text. , , Github.

,   , . , zorrom  bitviewer. , , zorrom, , . README   Zorrom, “, , (.txt) - . .bin , .., , ”. API, , ; , , , , .

, zorrom – , . ,  WCH, 14- . , , , , « », bitviewer. , – 16- . -, 14- , , , bin-, .

, , , , bin-. - , . , , . , , . 

Metal layer (left), Substrate layer (right)
(), ()

. 64 16 x 14 ; , – 2k. , 10 .   0 0. , . , 4 6 . , 16:1. , , , , 14 , .

bitviewer   . , , bitviewer , . 

Bitviewer screen
, Bitviewer

, , 32 , , 16 , . – .

Bitview 16-bit columns
Bitview 16-

, - , . Byte view (hex). , , 1) , , 2) . , - , , .

- , Export Options. , , , , , . , , , : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. , , , : Reverse output bit order  Address run right-to-left. .

05C0: FE 73 FF DB EF ...  .s...t...t.b.|.j

05D0: FE 50 C6 5F D6 ...  .P._._.Q...P....

05E0: DD 74 DF F8 ED ...  .t...&.m...S.p..

05F0: FF 6D ED 00 FF ...  .m...y...|.....>

0600: FF 7A FF 6A ED ... .z.j.<.g.Z.X.s..

0610: D9 74 CE 65 ED ...  .t.e...W.p...[..

0620: E6 F0 F5 5B F0 ...  ...[.W.W.W.W....

- . , … , /. , . , bitviewer ;  Select all, . , Invert Sel.

Inverted bits from Bitview

, , , .

0770: 10 03 10 09 ...  .............U..

0780: 10 53 10 00 ...  .S...B...2......

0790: 10 30 10 00 ...  .0...-..3...3...

07A0: 33 F3 10 00 ...  3...3...3...3...

07B0: 2F A4 10 00 ...  /.....(.....+...

07C0: 10 23 29 08 ...  .#)...../.. .'/.

07D0: 10 02 10 03 ...  ..../.....+..P.S

07E0: 2F A4 10 72 ...  /..r.e/..i.r/..n

07F0: 10 6D 2F A4 ...  .i/..t.a+.. .l..

, , !  0x0770  0x0780, USB 2.0. ? , – .  Print  Serial   0x07D0–0x07F0. , , / . , , .

Jump table

, , , , , . bin- ,  Save bin. , , , .

:  zorrom, , , . , , . API zorrom, - , . , CH340. :

➜ python3 txt2bin.py --arch ch340t ch340_binary.txt ch340_fw.bin

,  zorrom , 16 , 14. , , . , , . , , , rotate, .

– , ? , , ? . IDA Pro , .

, , , . , , , .

, , :

Layered preparation CH340 with annotations

– , . , , USB, USB USART. , . , : , , , , , . , , , ,   USB-.

, IDA ( ), ,   . , . , , , - .

Partially disassembled representation of ch340 code

python, , . , CALL- , . , , .

. , – « », « », - IDA WORD, « ». -, , , . , , , .

. -

(H₂SO₄) , (NaOH).  NaOH, (Na₂SO₄) . - . , – 2:1.

2NaOH (aq) + H₂SO₄ (aq) → 2H₂O (l) + Na₂SO₄ (aq)

, , , 20 H₂SO₄  . NaOH , , 15  NaOH  150 ( 10%) . NaOH + H₂O   Na+  OH-, . :

NaOH + 2H₂O → Na+ + OH- + H₂O (delta H < 0)

. , . , , , - . – « » . , , . , . , - 150 . 2 , .

Checking the pH level of neutralized sulfuric acid

:  , , , (NaHCO₃), , . - , , - - (CO₂), . , , , .

, ! , , . , Instagram: @hackersclub  Twitter: @ringoware


●        Ken Shirriff — http://www.righto.com/2020/05/extracting-rom-constants-from-8087-math.html, , , .

●        John McMaster — https://siliconpr0n.org/archive/doku.php  , , , , , .

●        Chris Gerlinsky — , , , , . , .

●        Elijah Hawk — , .

●        — https://chem.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Physical_and_Theoretical_Chemistry_Textbook_Maps/Supplemental_Modules_(Physical_and_Theoretical_Chemistry)/Acids_and_Bases/Acid_Base_Reactions/Neutralization

●        — https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~rwest/wikispeedia/wpcd/wp/s/Sulfuric_acid.htm

●        (VLSI)  — https://www.tutorialspoint.com/vlsi_design/vlsi_design_digital_system.htm

NAND Flash — https://www.simms.co.uk/nand-flash-basics/understanding-nand

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